
Ján Astalos

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15EELadislav Hluchý, Ondrej Habala, Martin Maliska, Branislav Simo, Viet D. Tran, Ján Astalos, Marian Babik: Grid Based Flood Prediction Virtual Organization. e-Science 2006: 4
14EEJán Astalos, Roberto Cecchini, Brian A. Coghlan, R. Cowles, U. Epting, T. Genovese, J. Gomes, David L. Groep, M. Gug, Andrew Hanushevsky, M. Helm, Jens Jensen, C. Kanellopoulos, David P. Kelsey, R. Marco, I. Neilson, Sophie Nicoud, David O'Callaghan, Darcy Quesnel, I. Schaeffner, L. Shamardin, D. Skow, M. Sova, Anders Wäänänen, Pawel Wolniewicz, Wei Xing: International Grid CA Interworking, Peer Review and Policy Management Through the European DataGrid Certification Authority Coordination Group. EGC 2005: 285-295
13EEJ. Gomes, M. David, J. Martins, L. Bernardo, Ariel García, Markus Hardt, Harald Kornmayer, J. Marco, R. Marco, D. Rodríguez, I. Diaz, D. Cano, José Salt, S. Gonzalez, Javier Sánchez, Farida Fassi, V. Lara, P. Nyczyk, P. Lason, A. Ozieblo, Pawel Wolniewicz, M. Bluj, Krzysztof Nawrocki, Adam Padee, Wojciech Wislicki, C. Fernández, J. Fontán, Yannis Cotronis, Evangelos Floros, George Tsouloupas, Wei Xing, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Ján Astalos, Brian A. Coghlan, Elisa Heymann, Miquel A. Senar, C. Kanellopoulos, A. Ramos, Derek Groen: Experience with the International Testbed in the CrossGrid Project. EGC 2005: 98-110
12EELadislav Hluchý, Viet D. Tran, Ondrej Habala, Branislav Simo, Emil Gatial, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký: Flood Forecasting in CrossGrid Project. European Across Grids Conference 2004: 51-60
11 Ladislav Hluchý, Emil Gatial, Ondrej Habala, Martin Maliska, Viet D. Tran, Ján Astalos, Branislav Simo, Miroslav Dobrucký, Paul Heinzlreiter: Collaborative Grid Environment for Scientific Virtual Organizations. ISCA PDCS 2004: 456-461
10EELadislav Hluchý, Ondrej Habala, Viet D. Tran, Branislav Simo, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký: Infrastructure for Grid-Based Virtual Organizations. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 124-131
9EEJ. Gomes, M. David, J. Martins, L. Bernardo, J. Marco, R. Marco, D. Rodríguez, José Salt, S. Gonzalez, Javier Sánchez, A. Fuentes, Markus Hardt, Ariel García, P. Nyczyk, A. Ozieblo, Pawel Wolniewicz, M. Bluj, Krzysztof Nawrocki, Adam Padee, Wojciech Wislicki, C. Fernández, J. Fontán, A. Gómez, I. López, Yannis Cotronis, Evangelos Floros, George Tsouloupas, Wei Xing, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Ján Astalos, Brian A. Coghlan, Elisa Heymann, Miquel A. Senar, G. Merino, C. Kanellopoulos, G. Dick van Albada: First Prototype of the CrossGrid Testbed. European Across Grids Conference 2003: 67-77
8EELadislav Hluchý, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ondrej Habala, Branislav Simo, Viet D. Tran: Flood Forecasting in a Grid Computing Environment. PPAM 2003: 831-839
7EELadislav Hluchý, Viet D. Tran, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký, Giang T. Nguyen, David Froehlich: Parallel Flood Modeling Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 543-551
6EELadislav Hluchý, Viet D. Tran, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký, Giang T. Nguyen, David Froehlich: Flood Modeling System and Its Parallelization. PARELEC 2002: 277-281
5EELadislav Hluchý, Viet D. Tran, Ondrej Habala, Ján Astalos, Branislav Simo, David Froehlich: Concept of a Problem Solving Environment for Flood Forecasting. PVM/MPI 2002: 105-113
4EELadislav Hluchý, David Froehlich, Viet D. Tran, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký, Giang T. Nguyen: Parallel Numerical Solution for Flood Modeling Systems. PPAM 2001: 485-492
3EEJán Astalos, Ladislav Hluchý: CIS - A Monitoring System for PC Clusters. PVM/MPI 2000: 225-232
2 Ladislav Hluchý, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ján Astalos: Hybrid Approach to Task Allocation in Distributed Systems. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(5): (1998)
1 Ladislav Hluchý, Miroslav Dobrucký, Ján Astalos: Hybrid Approach to Task Allocation in Distributed Systems. PaCT 1997: 210-215

Coauthor Index

1G. Dick van Albada [9]
2Marian Babik [15]
3L. Bernardo [9] [13]
4M. Bluj [9] [13]
5D. Cano [13]
6Roberto Cecchini [14]
7Brian A. Coghlan [9] [13] [14]
8Yannis Cotronis (John Yiannis Cotronis) [9] [13]
9R. Cowles [14]
10M. David [9] [13]
11I. Diaz [13]
12Marios D. Dikaiakos [9] [13]
13Miroslav Dobrucký [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
14U. Epting [14]
15Farida Fassi [13]
16C. Fernández [9] [13]
17Evangelos Floros [9] [13]
18J. Fontán [9] [13]
19David Froehlich [4] [5] [6] [7]
20A. Fuentes [9]
21Ariel García [9] [13]
22Emil Gatial [11] [12]
23T. Genovese [14]
24J. Gomes [9] [13] [14]
25A. Gómez [9]
26S. Gonzalez [9] [13]
27Derek Groen [13]
28David L. Groep [14]
29M. Gug [14]
30Ondrej Habala [5] [8] [10] [11] [12] [15]
31Andrew Hanushevsky [14]
32Markus Hardt [9] [13]
33Paul Heinzlreiter [11]
34M. Helm [14]
35Elisa Heymann [9] [13]
36Ladislav Hluchý [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [15]
37Jens Jensen [14]
38C. Kanellopoulos [9] [13] [14]
39David P. Kelsey [14]
40Harald Kornmayer [13]
41V. Lara [13]
42P. Lason [13]
43I. López [9]
44Martin Maliska [11] [15]
45J. Marco [9] [13]
46R. Marco [9] [13] [14]
47J. Martins [9] [13]
48G. Merino [9]
49Krzysztof Nawrocki [9] [13]
50I. Neilson [14]
51Giang T. Nguyen [4] [6] [7]
52Sophie Nicoud [14]
53P. Nyczyk [9] [13]
54David O'Callaghan [14]
55A. Ozieblo [9] [13]
56Adam Padee [9] [13]
57Darcy Quesnel [14]
58A. Ramos [13]
59D. Rodríguez [9] [13]
60José Salt [9] [13]
61Javier Sánchez [9] [13]
62I. Schaeffner [14]
63Miquel A. Senar [9] [13]
64L. Shamardin [14]
65Branislav Simo [5] [8] [10] [11] [12] [15]
66D. Skow [14]
67M. Sova [14]
68Viet D. Tran [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [15]
69George Tsouloupas [9] [13]
70Anders Wäänänen [14]
71Wojciech Wislicki [9] [13]
72Pawel Wolniewicz [9] [13] [14]
73Wei Xing [9] [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)