Karsten Schmidt
Universität Rostock
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
39 | EE | Karsten Wolf: Does My Service Have Partners?. T. Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency 2: 152-171 (2009) |
2008 | ||
38 | Niels Lohmann, Karsten Wolf: 15th German Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets, Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, AWPN 2008, Rostock, Germany, September 26-27, 2008. Proceedings CEUR-WS.org 2008 | |
37 | EE | Karsten Wolf: On Synthesizing Behavior that Is Aware of Semantical Constraints. AWPN 2008: 49-54 |
36 | EE | Christian Stahl, Karsten Wolf: An Approach to Tackle Livelock-Freedom in SOA. AWPN 2008: 69-74 |
35 | EE | Christian Stahl, Karsten Wolf: Covering Places and Transitions in Open Nets. BPM 2008: 116-131 |
34 | Max Brunner, Martin Jung, Detlef Kips, Karsten Schmidt: Fallstudie zur Modellierung von Software-Entwicklungsprozessen auf Basis von SPEM 2.0. Software Engineering 2008: 67-74 | |
33 | EE | Dieter König, Niels Lohmann, Simon Moser, Christian Stahl, Karsten Wolf: Extending the compatibility notion for abstract WS-BPEL processes. WWW 2008: 785-794 |
32 | EE | Peter Massuthe, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Karsten Wolf: Can I find a partner? Undecidability of partner existence for open nets. Inf. Process. Lett. 108(6): 374-378 (2008) |
2007 | ||
31 | EE | Niels Lohmann, Peter Massuthe, Karsten Wolf: Behavioral Constraints for Services. BPM 2007: 271-287 |
30 | EE | Karsten Wolf: Generating Petri Net State Spaces. ICATPN 2007: 29-42 |
29 | EE | Niels Lohmann, Peter Massuthe, Karsten Wolf: Operating Guidelines for Finite-State Services. ICATPN 2007: 321-341 |
28 | EE | Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Niels Lohmann, Peter Massuthe, Christian Stahl, Karsten Wolf: From Public Views to Private Views - Correctness-by-Design for Services. WS-FM 2007: 139-153 |
2006 | ||
27 | EE | Eike Best, Javier Esparza, Harro Wimmel, Karsten Wolf: Separability in Conflict-Free Petri Nets. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 1-18 |
26 | EE | Stephan Roch, Karsten Schmidt: On the Step Explosion Problem. ICATPN 2006: 342-361 |
25 | Mirjam Minor, Karsten Schmidt: Automatic Transformation and Enlargement of Similarity Models for Case-Based Reasoning. Modellierung 2006: 293-296 | |
24 | EE | Peter Massuthe, Karsten Wolf: An Algorithm for Matching Nondeterministic Services with Operating Guidelines. The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architectures 2006 |
23 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: Automated generation of a progress measure for the sweep-line method. STTT 8(3): 195-203 (2006) |
2005 | ||
22 | EE | Sebastian Hinz, Karsten Schmidt, Christian Stahl: Transforming BPEL to Petri Nets. Business Process Management 2005: 220-235 |
21 | Karsten Schmidt: Controllability of Open Workflow Nets. EMISA 2005: 236-249 | |
20 | EE | Peter Massuthe, Karsten Schmidt: Operating Guidelines - an Automata-Theoretic Foundation for the Service-Oriented Architecture. QSIC 2005: 452-457 |
19 | EE | Bernd-Holger Schlingloff, Axel Martens, Karsten Schmidt: Modeling and Model Checking Web Services. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 126: 3-26 (2005) |
18 | EE | Wolfgang Reisig, Karsten Schmidt, Christian Stahl: Kommunizierende Workflow-Services modellieren und analysieren. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 20(1-2): 90-101 (2005) |
2004 | ||
17 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: Automated Generation of a Progress Measure for the Sweep-Line Method. TACAS 2004: 192-204 |
16 | EE | Farn Wang, Karsten Schmidt, Fang Yu, Geng-Dian Huang, Bow-Yaw Wang: BDD-Based Safety-Analysis of Concurrent Software with Pointer Data Structures Using Graph Automorphism Symmetry Reduction. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(6): 403-417 (2004) |
2003 | ||
15 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: Using Petri Net Invariants in State Space Construction. TACAS 2003: 473-488 |
14 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: Distributed Verification with LoLA. Fundam. Inform. 54(2-3): 253-262 (2003) |
2002 | ||
13 | EE | Farn Wang, Karsten Schmidt: Symmetric Symbolic Safety-Analysis of Concurrent Software with Pointer Data Structures. FORTE 2002: 50-64 |
12 | Karsten Schmidt: Distributed verification with LoLA. Promise 2002: 94-103 | |
2001 | ||
11 | Karsten Schmidt: Narrowing Petri Net State Spaces Using the State Equation. Fundam. Inform. 47(3-4): 325-335 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
10 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: LoLA: A Low Level Analyser. ICATPN 2000: 465-474 |
9 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: Integrating Low Level Symmetries into Reachability Analysis. TACAS 2000: 315-330 |
8 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: How to Calculate Symmetries of Petri Nets. Acta Inf. 36(7): 545-590 (2000) |
7 | Karsten Schmidt: Stubborn Sets for Model Checking the EF/AG Fragment of CTL. Fundam. Inform. 43(1-4): 331-341 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
6 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: LoLA wird Pfadfinder. AWPN 1999 |
5 | EE | Karsten Schmidt: Stubborn Sets for Standard Properties. ICATPN 1999: 46-65 |
4 | Karsten Schmidt: Model-Checking with Coverability Graphs. Formal Methods in System Design 15(3): 239-254 (1999) | |
1997 | ||
3 | Karsten Schmidt: Siphons, Traps and High-Level Nets with Infinite Color Domains. ICATPN 1997: 271-289 | |
2 | Karsten Schmidt: Verification of Siphons and Traps for Algebraic Petri Nets. ICATPN 1997: 427-446 | |
1995 | ||
1 | Karsten Schmidt: Parameterized Reachability Trees for Algebraic Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 392-411 |
1 | Wil M. P. van der Aalst | [28] |
2 | Eike Best | [27] |
3 | Max Brunner | [34] |
4 | Javier Esparza | [27] |
5 | Sebastian Hinz | [22] |
6 | Geng-Dian Huang | [16] |
7 | Martin Jung | [34] |
8 | Detlef Kips | [34] |
9 | Dieter König | [33] |
10 | Niels Lohmann | [28] [29] [31] [33] [38] |
11 | Axel Martens | [19] |
12 | Peter Massuthe | [20] [24] [28] [29] [31] [32] |
13 | Mirjam Minor | [25] |
14 | Simon Moser | [33] |
15 | Wolfgang Reisig | [18] |
16 | Stephan Roch | [26] |
17 | Bernd-Holger Schlingloff | [19] |
18 | Alexander Serebrenik | [32] |
19 | Natalia Sidorova | [32] |
20 | Christian Stahl | [18] [22] [28] [33] [35] [36] |
21 | Bow-Yaw Wang | [16] |
22 | Farn Wang | [13] [16] |
23 | Harro Wimmel | [27] |
24 | Fang Yu | [16] |