
Linda Winkler

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5EEPaola Grosso, Pieter de Boer, Linda Winkler: The network infrastructure at iGrid2005: Lambda networking in action. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(8): 915-919 (2006)
4EEIan T. Foster, Markus Fidler, Alain Roy, Volker Sander, Linda Winkler: End-to-end quality of service for high-end applications. Computer Communications 27(14): 1375-1388 (2004)
3EEWilliam E. Allcock, John Bresnahan, Julian J. Bunn, S. Hegde, Joseph A. Insley, Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Harvey B. Newman, Sylvain Ravot, T. Rimovsky, Conrad Steenberg, Linda Winkler: Grid-enabled particle physics event analysis: experiences using a 10 Gb, high-latency network for a high-energy physics application. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(6): 983-997 (2003)
2EEBill Nickless, John-Paul Navarro, Linda Winkler: Combining Cisco NetFlow Exports with Relational Database Technology for Usage Statistics, Intrusion Detection, and Network Forensics. LISA 2000: 285-290
1EEVolker Sander, Ian T. Foster, Alain J. Roy, Linda Winkler: A differentiated services implementation for high-performance TCP flows. Computer Networks 34(6): 915-929 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1William E. Allcock (Bill Allcock) [3]
2Pieter de Boer [5]
3John Bresnahan [3]
4Julian J. Bunn [3]
5Markus Fidler [4]
6Ian T. Foster [1] [4]
7Paola Grosso [5]
8S. Hegde [3]
9Joseph A. Insley [3]
10Rajkumar Kettimuthu [3]
11John-Paul Navarro [2]
12Harvey B. Newman [3]
13Bill Nickless [2]
14Sylvain Ravot [3]
15T. Rimovsky [3]
16Alain Roy [4]
17Alain J. Roy [1]
18Volker Sander [1] [4]
19Conrad Steenberg [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)