
Volker Sander

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13 Morris Riedel, Volker Sander, Philipp Wieder, Jiulong Shan: Web Services Agreement Based Resource Negotiation in UNICORE. PDPTA 2005: 31-37
12EEMarkus Fidler, Volker Sander, Wojciech Klimala: Traffic shaping in aggregate-based networks: implementation and analysis. Computer Communications 28(3): 274-286 (2005)
11EEIan T. Foster, Markus Fidler, Alain Roy, Volker Sander, Linda Winkler: End-to-end quality of service for high-end applications. Computer Communications 27(14): 1375-1388 (2004)
10EEMarkus Fidler, Volker Sander: A parameter based admission control for differentiated services networks. Computer Networks 44(4): 463-479 (2004)
9EEMarkus Fidler, Volker Sander: Multi-class Applications for Parallel Usage of a Guaranteed Rate and a Scavenger Service. CCGRID 2003: 550-557
8EEKarl Czajkowski, Ian T. Foster, Carl Kesselman, Volker Sander, Steven Tuecke: SNAP: A Protocol for Negotiating Service Level Agreements and Coordinating Resource Management in Distributed Systems. JSSPP 2002: 153-183
7EEVolker Sander, Markus Fidler: Evaluation of a Differentiated Services Based Implementation of a Premium and an Olympic Service. QofIS 2002: 36-46
6EEVolker Sander, William A. Adamson, Ian T. Foster, Alain J. Roy: End-to-End Provision of Policy Information for Network QoS. HPDC 2001: 115-126
5EEAlain J. Roy, Ian T. Foster, William Gropp, Nicholas T. Karonis, Volker Sander, Brian R. Toonen: MPICH-GQ: Quality-of-Service for Message Passing Programs. SC 2000
4EEVolker Sander, Ian T. Foster, Alain J. Roy, Linda Winkler: A differentiated services implementation for high-performance TCP flows. Computer Networks 34(6): 915-929 (2000)
3EEVolker Sander, Dietmar W. Erwin, Valentina Huber: High-performance computer management based on Java. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(3): 425-432 (1999)
2 Volker Sander, Dietmar W. Erwin, Valentina Huber: High-Performance Computer Management Based on JAVA. HPCN Europe 1998: 526-534
1 Volker Sander: A Metacomputer Architecture Based on Cooperative Resource Management. HPCN Europe 1997: 472-479

Coauthor Index

1William A. Adamson [6]
2Karl Czajkowski [8]
3Dietmar W. Erwin [2] [3]
4Markus Fidler [7] [9] [10] [11] [12]
5Ian T. Foster [4] [5] [6] [8] [11]
6William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [5]
7Valentina Huber [2] [3]
8Nicholas T. Karonis [5]
9Carl Kesselman [8]
10Wojciech Klimala [12]
11Morris Riedel [13]
12Alain Roy [11]
13Alain J. Roy [4] [5] [6]
14Jiulong Shan [13]
15Brian R. Toonen [5]
16Steven Tuecke [8]
17Philipp Wieder [13]
18Linda Winkler [4] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)