
Joseph Williams

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8EEThomas L. Griffiths, Chris Lucas, Joseph Williams, Michael L. Kalish: Modeling human function learning with Gaussian processes. NIPS 2008: 553-560
7EEFrank E. Ferrante, Arnold W. Bragg, Ken Christensen, Wayne Clark, Simon Liu, Joseph Williams, Liang-Jie Zhang: Service-Based Computing Strategy & Planning. IEEE SCC 2005
6 Joseph Williams, James Baty: Building a Loosely Coupled Infrastructure for Web Services. ICWS 2003: 473-476
5EEJoseph Williams: Web Services: .Net vs. J2EE. SAINT 2003: 9
4EEJoseph Williams: The Web services debate: J2EE vs. .NET. Commun. ACM 46(6): 58-63 (2003)
3EEJoseph Williams, Nevin Heintze, Bryan D. Ackland: Communication Mechanisms for Parallel DSP Systems on a Chip. DATE 2002: 420-422
2EERaymond Papp, Izak Benbasat, Robert D. Galliers, Hans Oppelland, Joseph Williams: The efficacy of information systems journals (panel session). ICIS 1999: 586-588
1EEJoseph Williams: When Expert Systems are Wrong. ACM SIGBDP Conference on Trends and Directions in Expert Systems 1990: 661-669

Coauthor Index

1Bryan D. Ackland [3]
2James Baty [6]
3Izak Benbasat [2]
4Arnold W. Bragg [7]
5Ken Christensen [7]
6Wayne Clark [7]
7Frank E. Ferrante [7]
8Robert D. Galliers [2]
9Thomas L. Griffiths [8]
10Nevin Heintze [3]
11Michael L. Kalish [8]
12Simon Liu [7]
13Chris Lucas [8]
14Hans Oppelland [2]
15Raymond Papp [2]
16Liang-Jie Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)