
Simon Wildermuth

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14EETamás Kovács, Philippe C. Cattin, Hatem Alkadhi, Simon Wildermuth, Gábor Székely: Automatic Segmentation of the Vessel Lumen from 3D CTA Images of Aortic Dissection. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: 161-165
13EETamás Kovács, Philippe C. Cattin, Hatem Alkadhi, Simon Wildermuth, Gábor Székely: Automatic Segmentation of the Aortic Dissection Membrane from 3D CTA Images. MIAR 2006: 317-324
12 D. R. Voellmy, O. Handgrätinger, Simon Wildermuth, B. Fröhlich, Borut Marincek: Total cost of high volume multi-detector CT data management. CARS 2004: 249-253
11EEMatthias Harders, Simon Wildermuth, Dominik Weishaupt, Gábor Székely: Improving Virtual Endoscopy for the Intestinal Tract. MICCAI (2) 2002: 20-27
10 Cynthia Bruyns, Steven Senger, Anil Menon, Kevin Montgomery, Simon Wildermuth, Richard Boyle: A survey of interactive mesh-cutting techniques and a new method for implementing generalized interactive mesh cutting using virtual tools. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 13(1): 21-42 (2002)
9 Matthias Harders, Simon Wildermuth, Gábor Székely: New paradigms for interactive 3D volume segmentation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 13(1): 85-95 (2002)
8 Kevin Montgomery, LeRoy Heinrichs, Cynthia Bruyns, Simon Wildermuth, Christopher J. Hasser, Stephanie Ozenne, David Bailey: Surgical simulator for diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy. CARS 2001: 79-86
7EEKevin Montgomery, LeRoy Heinrichs, Cynthia Bruyns, Simon Wildermuth: A Virtual Environment for Simulated Rat Dissection: A Case Study of Visualization for Astronaut Training. IEEE Visualization 2001
6EEKevin Montgomery, LeRoy Heinrichs, Cynthia Bruyns, Simon Wildermuth, Christopher J. Hasser, Stephanie Ozenne, David Bailey: Surgical Simulator for Hysteroscopy: A Case Study of Visualization in Surgical Training. IEEE Visualization 2001
5EECynthia Bruyns, Simon Wildermuth, Kevin Montgomery: Simulated Animal Dissection. MICCAI 2001: 1345-1346
4EESimon Wildermuth, Cynthia Bruyns, Kevin Montgomery, Borut Marincek: Virtual Polypectomy. MICCAI 2001: 1347-1348
3EECynthia Bruyns, Steven Senger, Simon Wildermuth, Kevin Montgomery, Richard Boyle: Real-Time Interactions Using Virtual Tools. MICCAI 2001: 1349-1351
2EECynthia Bruyns, Simon Wildermuth, Kevin Montgomery, Steven Senger: Active Areas: On Interaction in a Virtual Environment. VMV 2001: 219-224
1EESimon Wildermuth, Cynthia Bruyns, Kevin Montgomery, Bharath Beedu, Borut Marincek: Patient Specific Surgical Simulation System for Procedures in Colonoscopy. VMV 2001: 241-248

Coauthor Index

1Hatem Alkadhi [13] [14]
2David Bailey [6] [8]
3Bharath Beedu [1]
4Richard D. Boyle (Richard Boyle) [3] [10]
5Cynthia Bruyns [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
6Philippe C. Cattin [13] [14]
7B. Fröhlich [12]
8O. Handgrätinger [12]
9Matthias Harders [9] [11]
10Christopher J. Hasser [6] [8]
11LeRoy Heinrichs [6] [7] [8]
12Tamás Kovács [13] [14]
13Borut Marincek [1] [4] [12]
14Anil Menon [10]
15Kevin Montgomery [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
16Stephanie Ozenne [6] [8]
17Steven Senger [2] [3] [10]
18Gábor Székely [9] [11] [13] [14]
19D. R. Voellmy [12]
20Dominik Weishaupt [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)