
Robert J. Whitrow

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8EEAndreas Hennig, E. Marongiu, Nasser Sherkat, Robert J. Whitrow: DART - A Software Architecture for the Creation of a Distributed Asynchronous Recognition Toolbox. ICDAR 1997: 439-
7EEG. Raza, Andreas Hennig, Nasser Sherkat, Robert J. Whitrow: Recognition of Facsimile Documents using a Database of Robust Features. ICDAR 1997: 444-
6EEAndreas Hennig, Nasser Sherkat, Robert J. Whitrow: Recognizing Letters in on-line Handwriting using Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference. ICDAR 1997: 936-940
5EERobert K. Powalka, Nasser Sherkat, Robert J. Whitrow: Word shape analysis for a hybrid recognition system. Pattern Recognition 30(3): 421-445 (1997)
4 Peter D. Thomas, Janet F. Poliakoff, Sabah M. Razzaq, Robert J. Whitrow: A Combined High and Low Level Approach to Interpreting Scanned Engineering Drawings. GREC 1995: 233-245
3EERobert K. Powalka, Nasser Sherkat, Robert J. Whitrow: Zoning invariant holistic recognizer for hybrid recognition of handwriting. ICDAR 1995: 64-67
2EERobert K. Powalka, Nasser Sherkat, Robert J. Whitrow: Recognizer characterisation for combining handwriting recognition results at word level. ICDAR 1995: 68-
1 L. K. Welbourn, Robert J. Whitrow: A Gesture Based Text Editor. BCS HCI 1988: 363-371

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Hennig [6] [7] [8]
2E. Marongiu [8]
3Janet F. Poliakoff [4]
4Robert K. Powalka [2] [3] [5]
5G. Raza [7]
6Sabah M. Razzaq [4]
7Nasser Sherkat [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
8Peter D. Thomas [4]
9L. K. Welbourn [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)