
Peter D. Thomas

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6 Emmanouil Hatiris, Paul A. Orton, Janet F. Poliakoff, Peter D. Thomas: The Modelling of 3-Axis Vibration Measurement sensor using an Incremental Motion Encoder (IME). ESM 2002: 303-306
5 Emmanouil Hatiris, Paul A. Orton, Janet F. Poliakoff, Peter D. Thomas: Eccentricity Error Compensation Models for an Incremental Motion Encoder (IME). ESM 2002: 328-331
4EER. Sacchi, Janet F. Poliakoff, Peter D. Thomas, K.-H. Häfele: Improved Extraction of Planar Segments for Scanned Surfaces. IV 2000: 325-330
3EER. Sacchi, Janet F. Poliakoff, Peter D. Thomas, K.-H. Häfele: Curvature Estimation for Segmentation of Triangulated Surfaces. 3DIM 1999: 536-544
2 Janet F. Poliakoff, Peter D. Thomas: Error Correction in Scanned Engineering Drawings Using 3-D Knowledge-Based Reconstruction. GREC 1997: 280-290
1 Peter D. Thomas, Janet F. Poliakoff, Sabah M. Razzaq, Robert J. Whitrow: A Combined High and Low Level Approach to Interpreting Scanned Engineering Drawings. GREC 1995: 233-245

Coauthor Index

1K.-H. Häfele [3] [4]
2Emmanouil Hatiris [5] [6]
3Paul A. Orton [5] [6]
4Janet F. Poliakoff [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Sabah M. Razzaq [1]
6R. Sacchi [3] [4]
7Robert J. Whitrow [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)