
Christopher J. Whitaker

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8EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker, Anand M. Narasimhamurthy: A case-study on naïve labelling for the nearest mean and the linear discriminant classifiers. Pattern Recognition 41(10): 3010-3020 (2008)
7EEChristopher J. Whitaker, Ludmila I. Kuncheva, Peter D. Cockcroft: A Logodds Criterion for Selection of Diagnostic Tests. SSPR/SPR 2004: 574-582
6EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker, Peter D. Cockcroft, Z. S. J. Hoare: Pre-Selection of Independent Binary Features: An Application to Diagnosing Scrapie in. UAI 2004: 325-332
5EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker: Measures of Diversity in Classifier Ensembles and Their Relationship with the Ensemble Accuracy. Machine Learning 51(2): 181-207 (2003)
4EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker, Catherine A. Shipp: Limits on the majority vote accuracy in classifier fusion. Pattern Anal. Appl. 6(1): 22-31 (2003)
3EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker: Using Diversity with Three Variants of Boosting: Aggressive, Conservative, and Inverse. Multiple Classifier Systems 2002: 81-90
2EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker: Feature Subsets for Classifier Combination: An Enumerative Experiment. Multiple Classifier Systems 2001: 228-237
1EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker, Catherine A. Shipp, Robert P. W. Duin: Is Independence Good For Combining Classifiers? ICPR 2000: 2168-2171

Coauthor Index

1Peter D. Cockcroft [6] [7]
2Robert P. W. Duin [1]
3Z. S. J. Hoare [6]
4Ludmila I. Kuncheva (Ludmila Kuncheva) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Anand M. Narasimhamurthy [8]
6Catherine A. Shipp [1] [4]

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