
Anand M. Narasimhamurthy

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6EELudmila I. Kuncheva, Christopher J. Whitaker, Anand M. Narasimhamurthy: A case-study on naïve labelling for the nearest mean and the linear discriminant classifiers. Pattern Recognition 41(10): 3010-3020 (2008)
5 Anand M. Narasimhamurthy, Ludmila I. Kuncheva: A framework for generating data to simulate changing environments. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 415-420
4EEAnand M. Narasimhamurthy: Evaluation of Diversity Measures for Binary Classifier Ensembles. Multiple Classifier Systems 2005: 267-277
3EEAnand M. Narasimhamurthy: Theoretical Bounds of Majority Voting Performance for a Binary Classification Problem. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(12): 1988-1995 (2005)
2EEL. Walawalkar, Mohammed Yeasin, Anand M. Narasimhamurthy, Rajeev Sharma: Support Vector Learning for Gender Classification Using Audio and Visual Cues. IJPRAI 17(3): 417-439 (2003)
1EEL. Walawalkar, Mohammed Yeasin, Anand M. Narasimhamurthy, Rajeev Sharma: Support Vector Learning for Gender Classification Using Audio and Visual Cues: A Comparison. SVM 2002: 144-159

Coauthor Index

1Ludmila I. Kuncheva (Ludmila Kuncheva) [5] [6]
2Rajeev Sharma [1] [2]
3L. Walawalkar [1] [2]
4Christopher J. Whitaker [6]
5Mohammed Yeasin [1] [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)