
Tom Wexler

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12EEJon M. Kleinberg, Siddharth Suri, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: Strategic network formation with structural holes. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2008: 284-293
11EEElliot Anshelevich, Anirban Dasgupta, Jon M. Kleinberg, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler, Tim Roughgarden: The Price of Stability for Network Design with Fair Cost Allocation. SIAM J. Comput. 38(4): 1602-1623 (2008)
10EEElliot Anshelevich, Anirban Dasgupta, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: Near-Optimal Network Design with Selfish Agents. Theory of Computing 4(1): 77-109 (2008)
9EENicole Immorlica, Jon M. Kleinberg, Mohammad Mahdian, Tom Wexler: The role of compatibility in the diffusion of technologies through social networks. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2007: 75-83
8EEHazer Inaltekin, Tom Wexler, Stephen B. Wicker: A Duopoly Pricing Game for Wireless IP Services. SECON 2007: 600-609
7EEAra Hayrapetyan, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: A network pricing game for selfish traffic. Distributed Computing 19(4): 255-266 (2007)
6EEAra Hayrapetyan, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: The effect of collusion in congestion games. STOC 2006: 89-98
5EEAra Hayrapetyan, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: A network pricing game for selfish traffic. PODC 2005: 284-291
4EEElliot Anshelevich, Anirban Dasgupta, Jon M. Kleinberg, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler, Tim Roughgarden: The Price of Stability for Network Design with Fair Cost Allocation. FOCS 2004: 295-304
3EEJon M. Kleinberg, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Tom Wexler: Triangulation and Embedding Using Small Sets of Beacons. FOCS 2004: 444-453
2EEElliot Anshelevich, Anirban Dasgupta, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: Near-optimal network design with selfish agents. STOC 2003: 511-520
1 Martin Pál, Éva Tardos, Tom Wexler: Facility Location with Nonuniform Hard Capacities. FOCS 2001: 329-338

Coauthor Index

1Elliot Anshelevich [2] [4] [10] [11]
2Anirban Dasgupta [2] [4] [10] [11]
3Ara Hayrapetyan [5] [6] [7]
4Nicole Immorlica [9]
5Hazer Inaltekin [8]
6Jon M. Kleinberg [3] [4] [9] [11] [12]
7Mohammad Mahdian [9]
8Martin Pál (Martin Pal) [1]
9Tim Roughgarden [4] [11]
10Aleksandrs Slivkins [3]
11Siddharth Suri [12]
12Éva Tardos [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12]
13Stephen B. Wicker [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)