
Paul V. Werme

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4 Lonnie R. Welch, Paul V. Werme, Behrooz Shirazi, Charles Cavanaugh, Larry A. Fontenot, Eui-nam Huh, Michael W. Masters: Load balancing for dynamic real-time systems. Cluster Computing 3(2): 125-138 (2000)
3EELonnie R. Welch, Paul V. Werme, Larry A. Fontenot, Michael W. Masters, Behrooz Shirazi, Binoy Ravindran, D. Wayne Mills: Adaptive QoS and Resource Management using a Posteriori Workload Characterizations. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1999: 266-275
2EELonnie R. Welch, Binoy Ravindran, Paul V. Werme, Michael W. Masters, Behrooz Shirazi, Prashant A. Shirolkar, Robert D. Harrison, D. Wayne Mills, Tuy Do, Judy Lafratta, Shafqat Anwar, Steve Sharp, Terry Sergeant, George Bilowus, Mark Swick, Jim Hoppel, Joseph M. Caruso: Distributed, Scalable, Dependable Real-Time Systems: Middleware Services and Applications. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 297-301
1 Lonnie R. Welch, Michael W. Masters, Leslie A. Madden, David T. Marlow, Philip M. Irey IV, Paul V. Werme, Behrooz Shirazi: A Distributed System Reference Architecture for Adaptive QoS and Resource Management. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 1316-1326

Coauthor Index

1Shafqat Anwar [2]
2George Bilowus [2]
3Joseph M. Caruso [2]
4Charles Cavanaugh [4]
5Tuy Do [2]
6Larry A. Fontenot [3] [4]
7Robert D. Harrison [2]
8Jim Hoppel [2]
9Eui-nam Huh [4]
10Philip M. Irey IV [1]
11Judy Lafratta [2]
12Leslie A. Madden [1]
13David T. Marlow [1]
14Michael W. Masters [1] [2] [3] [4]
15D. Wayne Mills [2] [3]
16Binoy Ravindran [2] [3]
17Terry Sergeant [2]
18Steve Sharp [2]
19Behrooz Shirazi [1] [2] [3] [4]
20Prashant A. Shirolkar [2]
21Mark Swick [2]
22Lonnie R. Welch [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)