
Joseph M. Caruso

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5EELonnie R. Welch, Binoy Ravindran, Paul V. Werme, Michael W. Masters, Behrooz Shirazi, Prashant A. Shirolkar, Robert D. Harrison, D. Wayne Mills, Tuy Do, Judy Lafratta, Shafqat Anwar, Steve Sharp, Terry Sergeant, George Bilowus, Mark Swick, Jim Hoppel, Joseph M. Caruso: Distributed, Scalable, Dependable Real-Time Systems: Middleware Services and Applications. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 297-301
4EELonnie R. Welch, Antonio L. Samuel, Michael W. Masters, Robert D. Harrison, Mark Wilson, Joseph M. Caruso: Reengineering computer-based systems for enhanced concurrency and layering. Journal of Systems and Software 30(1-2): 45-70 (1995)
3EEPaul Piwowarski, Mitsuru Ohba, Joseph M. Caruso: Coverage Measurement Experience During Function Test. ICSE 1993: 287-301
2 Jeffrey S. Poulin, Joseph M. Caruso, Debera R. Hancock: The Business Case for Software Reuse. IBM Systems Journal 32(4): 567-594 (1993)
1EEJoseph M. Caruso, David W. Desormeau: Integrating Prior Knowledge with a Software Reliability Growth Model. ICSE 1991: 238-245

Coauthor Index

1Shafqat Anwar [5]
2George Bilowus [5]
3David W. Desormeau [1]
4Tuy Do [5]
5Debera R. Hancock [2]
6Robert D. Harrison [4] [5]
7Jim Hoppel [5]
8Judy Lafratta [5]
9Michael W. Masters [4] [5]
10D. Wayne Mills [5]
11Mitsuru Ohba [3]
12Paul Piwowarski [3]
13Jeffrey S. Poulin [2]
14Binoy Ravindran [5]
15Antonio L. Samuel [4]
16Terry Sergeant [5]
17Steve Sharp [5]
18Behrooz Shirazi [5]
19Prashant A. Shirolkar [5]
20Mark Swick [5]
21Lonnie R. Welch [4] [5]
22Paul V. Werme [5]
23Mark Wilson [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)