
Mark B. Wells

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11EEMark B. Wells: Identifiers and static name abstraction. SIGPLAN Notices 25(5): 25-28 (1990)
10EEMark B. Wells, Barry L. Kurtz: Teaching multiple programming paradigms: a proposal for a paradigm general pseudocode. SIGCSE 1989: 246-251
9 David K. Kahaner, Mark B. Wells: An Experimental Algorithm for N-Dimensional Adaptive Quadrature. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 5(1): 86-96 (1979)
8EEMark B. Wells: Implementation and application of a function data type. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1977: 389-395
7EEMark B. Wells, Fred L. Cornwall: A Data Type Encapsulation Scheme Utilizing Base Language Operators. Conference on Data: Abstraction, Definition and Structure 1976: 170-178
6EEMark B. Wells: Certification of algorithm 197: Matrix division. Commun. ACM 7(3): 148 (1964)
5EEMark B. Wells: Recent improvements in MADCAP. Commun. ACM 6(11): 674-678 (1963)
4EEMark B. Wells: Letters to the editor: on ALGOL 60 as a publication language. Commun. ACM 6(8): 421 (1963)
3EEMark B. Wells: Algorithm 197: matrix division. Commun. ACM 6(8): 443 (1963)
2 Mark B. Wells: Application of a Finite Set Covering Theorem to the Simplification of Boolean Function Expressions. IFIP Congress 1962: 731-735
1EEMark B. Wells: MADCAP: a scientific compiler for a displayed formula textbook language. Commun. ACM 4(1): 31-36 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Fred L. Cornwall [7]
2David K. Kahaner [9]
3Barry L. Kurtz [10]

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