2006 |
7 | EE | Oliver Wellnitz,
Lars C. Wolf:
Assigning game server roles in mobile ad-hoc networks.
NOSSDAV 2006: 2 |
6 | EE | K. Farkas,
Oliver Wellnitz,
Matthias Dick,
X. Gu,
Marcel Busse,
Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Yacine Rebahi,
Dorgham Sisalem,
Dan Grigoras,
K. Stefanidis,
Dimitrios N. Serpanos:
Real-time service provisioning for mobile and wireless networks.
Computer Communications 29(5): 540-550 (2006) |
2005 |
5 | EE | Matthias Dick,
Oliver Wellnitz,
Lars C. Wolf:
Analysis of factors affecting players' performance and perception in multiplayer games.
NETGAMES 2005: 1-7 |
2004 |
4 | EE | Amjad Akkawi,
Sibylle Schaller,
Oliver Wellnitz,
Lars C. Wolf:
Networked Mobile Gaming for 3G-Networks.
ICEC 2004: 457-467 |
3 | EE | Amjad Akkawi,
Sibylle Schaller,
Oliver Wellnitz,
Lars C. Wolf:
A mobile gaming platform for the IMS.
NETGAMES 2004: 77-84 |
2003 |
2 | EE | Oliver Wellnitz,
Frank Strauß:
Bringing AgentX Subagents to the Operating System Kernel Space.
DSOM 2003: 234-245 |
1 | EE | Sebastian Matas Riera,
Oliver Wellnitz,
Lars C. Wolf:
A zone-based gaming architecture for ad-hoc networks.
NETGAMES 2003: 72-76 |