
Erhard Weinell

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5EEErhard Weinell: Transformation-Based Operationalization of Graph Languages. ICGT 2008: 520-522
4EEErhard Weinell: Extending Graph Query Languages by Reduction. ECEASST 10: (2008)
3EEErhard Weinell: Adaptable Support for Queries and Transformations for the DRAGOS Graph-Database. AGTIVE 2007: 394-409
2EEDániel Varró, Márk Asztalos, Dénes Bisztray, Artur Boronat, Duc-Hanh Dang, Rubino Geiß, Joel Greenyer, Pieter Van Gorp, Ole Kniemeyer, Anantha Narayanan, Edgars Rencis, Erhard Weinell: Transformation of UML Models to CSP: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools. AGTIVE 2007: 540-565
1EEUlrike Ranger, Erhard Weinell: The Graph Rewriting Language and Environment PROGRES. AGTIVE 2007: 575-576

Coauthor Index

1Márk Asztalos [2]
2Dénes Bisztray [2]
3Artur Boronat [2]
4Duc-Hanh Dang [2]
5Rubino Geiß [2]
6Pieter Van Gorp [2]
7Joel Greenyer [2]
8Ole Kniemeyer [2]
9Anantha Narayanan [2]
10Ulrike Ranger [1]
11Edgars Rencis [2]
12Dániel Varró [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)