
Ulrike Ranger

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7EEUlrike Ranger, Katja Gruber, Marc Holze: Defining Abstract Graph Views as Module Interfaces. AGTIVE 2007: 120-135
6EEUlrike Ranger, Erhard Weinell: The Graph Rewriting Language and Environment PROGRES. AGTIVE 2007: 575-576
5EEUlrike Ranger, Thorsten Hermes: Ensuring Consistency Within Distributed Graph Transformation Systems. FASE 2007: 368-382
4EEChristian Fuss, Christof Mosler, Ulrike Ranger, Erhard Schultchen: The Jury is still out: A Comparison of AGG, Fujaba, and PROGRES. ECEASST 6: (2007)
3EEUlrike Ranger, Erhard Schultchen, Christof Mosler: Specifying Distributed Graph Transformation Systems. ECEASST 1: (2006)
2EEUlrike Ranger, Mathias Lüstraeten: Search Trees for Distributed Graph Transformation Systems. ECEASST 4: (2006)
1EEBoris Böhlen, Ulrike Ranger: Concepts for Specifying Complex Graph Transformation Systems. ICGT 2004: 96-111

Coauthor Index

1Boris Böhlen [1]
2Christian Fuss [4]
3Katja Gruber [7]
4Thorsten Hermes [5]
5Marc Holze [7]
6Mathias Lüstraeten [2]
7Christof Mosler [3] [4]
8Erhard Schultchen [3] [4]
9Erhard Weinell [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)