
Ron Wein

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13EEEric Berberich, Efi Fogel, Dan Halperin, Kurt Mehlhorn, Ron Wein: Sweeping and Maintaining Two-Dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step. ESA 2007: 645-656
12EEIddo Hanniel, Ron Wein: An exact, complete and efficient computation of arrangements of Bézier curves. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007: 253-263
11EERon Wein, Jur P. van den Berg, Dan Halperin: The visibility-Voronoi complex and its applications. Comput. Geom. 36(1): 66-87 (2007)
10EERon Wein, Efi Fogel, Baruch Zukerman, Dan Halperin: Advanced programming techniques applied to Cgal's arrangement package. Comput. Geom. 38(1-2): 37-63 (2007)
9EERon Wein: Exact and approximate construction of offset polygons. Computer-Aided Design 39(6): 518-527 (2007)
8EERon Wein: Exact and Efficient Construction of Planar Minkowski Sums Using the Convolution Method. ESA 2006: 829-840
7EERon Wein, Jur P. van den Berg, Dan Halperin: Planning Near-Optimal Corridors Amidst Obstacles. WAFR 2006: 491-506
6EERon Wein, Jur P. van den Berg, Dan Halperin: The Visibility-Voronoi Complex and Its Applications. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 63-72
5EEOleg Ilushin, Gershon Elber, Dan Halperin, Ron Wein, Myung-Soo Kim: Precise global collision detection in multi-axis NC-machining. Computer-Aided Design 37(9): 909-920 (2005)
4EERon Wein, Oleg Ilushin, Gershon Elber, Dan Halperin: Continuous Path Verification in Multi-axis Nc-machining. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(4): 351-378 (2005)
3EEEfi Fogel, Ron Wein, Dan Halperin: Code Flexibility and Program Efficiency by Genericity: Improving Cgal's Arrangements. ESA 2004: 664-676
2EERon Wein, Oleg Ilushin, Gershon Elber, Dan Halperin: Continuous path verification in multi-axis NC-machining. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 86-95
1EERon Wein: High-Level Filtering for Arrangements of Conic Arcs. ESA 2002: 884-895

Coauthor Index

1Eric Berberich [13]
2Jur P. van den Berg [6] [7] [11]
3Gershon Elber [2] [4] [5]
4Efi Fogel [3] [10] [13]
5Dan Halperin [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [13]
6Iddo Hanniel [12]
7Oleg Ilushin [2] [4] [5]
8Myung-Soo Kim [5]
9Kurt Mehlhorn [13]
10Baruch Zukerman [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)