
Edward J. Wegman

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10EEYasmin H. Said, Edward J. Wegman, Walid K. Sharabati, John T. Rigsby: Social networks of author-coauthor relationships. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(4): 2177-2184 (2008)
9EEKaren Kafadar, Edward J. Wegman: Visualizing "typical" and "exotic" Internet traffic data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50(12): 3721-3743 (2006)
8EEFahad T. Alotaiby, Jim X. Chen, Harry Wechsler, Edward J. Wegman, Deborah Sprague: Adaptive Web-Based Learning System. ECBS 2005: 423-430
7EEFahad T. Alotaiby, Jim X. Chen, Edward J. Wegman, Harry Wechsler, Deborah Sprague: Teacher-driven: web-based learning system. SIGITE Conference 2004: 284
6EEJeffrey L. Solka, Edward J. Wegman: Editorial. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 45(1): 1-2 (2004)
5EEEdward J. Wegman, Wendy L. Martinez, Jeffrey L. Solka: Preface. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 43(4): 421-422 (2003)
4EEEdward J. Wegman, Alan Dorfman: Visualizing cereal world. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 43(4): 633-649 (2003)
3 Rida E. Moustafa, Kenneth A. De Jong, Edward J. Wegman: A GA-Based Method for Function Approximation Using Adaptive Interpolation. GECCO 2000: 378
2EEJim X. Chen, Edward J. Wegman, Xiaodong Fu, Yonggao Yang: Near Real-Time Simulation of Particle Systems. DIS-RT 1999: 33-40
1EEJim X. Chen, Xiaodong Fu, Edward J. Wegman: Real-time simulation of dust behavior generated by a fast traveling vehicle. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 9(2): 81-104 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Fahad T. Alotaiby [7] [8]
2Jim X. Chen [1] [2] [7] [8]
3Alan Dorfman [4]
4Xiaodong Fu [1] [2]
5Kenneth A. De Jong [3]
6Karen Kafadar [9]
7Wendy L. Martinez [5]
8Rida E. Moustafa [3]
9John T. Rigsby [10]
10Yasmin H. Said [10]
11Walid K. Sharabati [10]
12Jeffrey L. Solka [5] [6]
13Deborah Sprague [7] [8]
14Harry Wechsler [7] [8]
15Yonggao Yang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)