
Wolfgang Weber

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20EEPierre Metz, John O'Brien, Wolfgang Weber: Specifying Use Case Interaction: Clarifying Extension Points and Rejoin Points. Journal of Object Technology 3(5): 87-102 (2004)
19 Wolfgang Weber: Professional Development Needs of Teachers Managing Self-Guided Learning. ICT and the Teacher of the Future 2003: 115-124
18 Wolfgang Weber, Trees Haaksma: Group D: The Role of Teachers: Lifelong Learners in a Community of Practice. ICT and the Teacher of the Future 2003: 209-213
17 Thomas Droste, Wolfgang Weber: Additional Security Requirements to Integrate Wireless Networks. Security and Management 2003: 17-19
16EEPierre Metz, John O'Brien, Wolfgang Weber: Specifying Use Case Interaction: Types of Alternative Courses. Journal of Object Technology 2(2): 111-131 (2003)
15 Wolfgang Weber, Lazuardi Anggono: Steps towards Real Time Simulation of Robot Dynamics. ESM 2002: 307-311
14EEPierre Metz, John O'Brien, Wolfgang Weber: Against Use Case Interleaving. UML 2001: 472-486
13 Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki, Wolfgang Weber: Show What You Can Do with Media. WCCE 2001: 301-310
12 Wolfgang Weber, Kristine Fankhänel: SelMa - New Perspectives for Self-guided Learning in Teaching Mathematics at Senior High School Level. WCCE 2001: 403-412
11 Wolfgang Weber: Learn: Line - An Educational Environment on The Web. Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organisation 1998: 1-8
10EERolf Allenspach, Wolfgang Weber: Oscillatory magnetic properties. IBM Journal of Research and Development 42(1): 7-24 (1998)
9 Wolfgang Weber, Pierre Metz: Reuse of Models and Diagrams of the UML and Implementation Concepts Regarding Dynamic Modeling. UML Workshop 1997: 190-203
8 Anette Engel, D. Langkafel, Wolfgang Weber: Generating Hypertext Links through Queries. HIM 1995: 219-232
7 Wolfgang Weber: Informationssysteme in der ambulanten Krankenversorgung. Wirtschaftsinformatik 36(4): 315-320 (1994)
6 Helmut Kohorst, Wolfgang Weber: Explorative Datenanalyse und Statistik in Naturwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaft und Mathematik. INFOS 1993: 264-272
5 Wolfgang Weber: AGRIS: Programmsystem zur automatischen Generierung von effizienten inversen Robotermodellen. Robotersysteme 7: 201-212 (1991)
4 Wolffried Stucky, Hans Dieter Unkelbach, Wolfgang Weber, Thomas Wolf, Thomas Zeh: VIRTAB - Ein Programmsystem zur Generierung großer und reich strukturierter virtueller Tabellen und deren Aufteilung auf beschränkte Ausgabemedien. Angewandte Informatik 28(1): 20-30 (1986)
3 Wolfgang Weber: Das Juristische Informationsssytem des Bundeslandes Niederösterreich. Neue Informationstechnologien und Verwaltung 1983: 221-233
2 Wolfgang Weber, Wolffried Stucky, Jakob Karszt: Integrity checking in data base systems. Inf. Syst. 8(2): 125-136 (1983)
1 Jakob Karszt, W. Martin, Wolffried Stucky, Wolfgang Weber: Datenbank-Pascal für Personal Computer. Personal Computing 1981: 92-114

Coauthor Index

1Rolf Allenspach [10]
2Lazuardi Anggono [15]
3Thomas Droste [17]
4Anette Engel [8]
5Kristine Fankhänel [12]
6Trees Haaksma [18]
7Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki [13]
8Jakob Karszt [1] [2]
9Helmut Kohorst [6]
10D. Langkafel [8]
11W. Martin [1]
12Pierre Metz [9] [14] [16] [20]
13John O'Brien [14] [16] [20]
14Wolffried Stucky [1] [2] [4]
15Hans Dieter Unkelbach [4]
16Thomas Wolf [4]
17Thomas Zeh [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)