
Hugh J. Watson

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41EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson, Anne Marie Reynolds, Jeffrey A. Hoffer: Continental Airlines Continues to Soar with Business Intelligence. IS Management 25(2): 102-112 (2008)
40EEHugh J. Watson: Introduction to the Organizational Systems and Technology Track. HICSS 2007: 205
39EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson: Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence. HICSS 2007: 214
38EEScott L. Schneberger, Hugh J. Watson, Carol E. Pollard: The Efficacy of "Little t" Theories. HICSS 2007: 250
37EEHugh J. Watson, Barbara Wixom: The Current State of Business Intelligence. IEEE Computer 40(9): 96-99 (2007)
36EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
35EEHugh J. Watson: Track Introduction. HICSS 2006
34EEHugh J. Watson, Barbara Wixom, Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ron Anderson-Lehman, Anne Marie Reynolds: Real-Time Business Intelligence: Best Practices at Continental Airlines. IS Management 23(1): 7-18 (2006)
33EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson: Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence. HICSS 2005
32EEHugh J. Watson: Introduction to the Organizational Systems and Technology Track. HICSS 2005
31EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson: Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
30EEHugh J. Watson: Organizational Systems and Technology Track Introduction. HICSS 2004
29EEHugh J. Watson, Celia Fuller, Thilini Ariyachandra: Data warehouse governance: best practices at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. Decision Support Systems 38(3): 435-450 (2004)
28EEHugh J. Watson: Introduction to the Organizational Systems and Technology Track. HICSS 2003: 223
27EEBarbara Wixom, Paul Gray, Hugh J. Watson: Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Warehousing. HICSS 2003: 230
26EEBarbara Wixom, Paul Gray, Hugh J. Watson: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 222
25EESanjay K. Singh, Hugh J. Watson, Richard T. Watson: EIS support for the strategic management process. Decision Support Systems 33(1): 71-85 (2002)
24EEDale Goodhue, Barbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson: Realizing Business Benefits Through CRM: Hitting the Right Target in the Right Way. MIS Quarterly Executive 1(2): (2002)
23EEBarbara Wixom, Paul Gray, Hugh J. Watson: Data Warehousing - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
22EEHugh J. Watson: Organizational Systems and Technology Track - Introduction. HICSS 2001
21EEHugh J. Watson, David A. Annino, Barbara Wixom, K. Liddell Avery, Mathew Rutherford: Current Practices in Data Warehousing. IS Management 18(1): 1-9 (2001)
20EEHugh J. Watson, Thilini Ariyachandra, Robert J. Matyska Jr.: Data Warehousing Stages of Growth. IS Management 18(3): 42-50 (2001)
19EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson: An Empirical Investigation of the Factors Affecting Data Warehousing Success. MIS Quarterly 25(1): (2001)
18EEBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson, Paul Gray: Data Warehousing - Introduction. HICSS 2000
17EEHugh J. Watson: Organizational Systems and Technology Track - Introduction. HICSS 2000
16EEBrian L. Cooper, Hugh J. Watson, Barbara Wixom, Dale Goodhue: Data Warehousing Supports Corporate Strategy At First American Corporation. MIS Quarterly 24(4): (2000)
15EEBarbara J. Haley, Hugh J. Watson, Paul Gray: Data Warehousing - Introduction. HICSS 1999
14EEHugh J. Watson: Organizational Systems and Technology Track - Introduction. HICSS 1999
13EEHugh J. Watson, Barbara J. Haley: Managerial Considerations. Commun. ACM 41(9): 32-37 (1998)
12EEPaul Gray, Hugh J. Watson: Present and Future Directions in Data Warehousing. DATA BASE 29(3): 83-90 (1998)
11EEHugh J. Watson, Joseph G. Walls: Data Warehouses and Information Delivery Systems. HICSS (3) 1997: 528-529
10 Hugh J. Watson, Lloyd W. Belcher, David R. King, Ronald S. Swift: Panel: Integrating DSS into EIS. HICSS (2) 1996: 130-
9 Hugh J. Watson, Joseph Walls: Executive Information Systems: Introduction. HICSS (3) 1994: 133-134
8 Hugh J. Watson, David R. King, Ronald S. Swift, Efraim Turbin: Enhancing EISs Through Intelligence and Multimedia. HICSS (3) 1994: 159-162
7 Astrid Lipp, Hugh O. Nourse, Hugh J. Watson, Robert P. Bostrom, Robert D. Gatewood: Evaluation of a Generic Expert System for Corporate Real Estate Disposition. HICSS (3) 1994: 163-172
6EEHugh J. Watson, John W. Satzinger, Sanjay K. Singh: Establishing Viable Programs of Research: The Exetutive Information System Program at the University of Georgia. DATA BASE 25(3): 40-51 (1994)
5 Linda A. Volonino, S. Robinson, Hugh J. Watson: EIS and Organizational Change. Decision Support Systems: Experiences and Expectations 1992: 309-321
4 Gordon B. Davis, John F. Rockart, Hugh J. Watson: IS: A Profession at the Crossroads?. ICIS 1992: 293
3EEHugh J. Watson, Dale Young, Shaila Miranda, Barry Robichaux, Ron Seerley: Requisite Skills for New MIS Hires. DATA BASE 21(1): 20-29 (1990)
2EEGerald J. Tillman, Hugh J. Watson: The Impact of Planning Languages on the Development of Corporate Models. DATA BASE 19(3/4): 24-32 (1988)
1EECarleen Garnto, Hugh J. Watson: An Investigation of Database Requirements for Institutional and Ad Hoc DSS. DATA BASE 16(4): 3-9 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Ron Anderson-Lehman [34]
2David A. Annino [21]
3Thilini Ariyachandra [20] [29]
4K. Liddell Avery [21]
5Lloyd W. Belcher [10]
6Robert P. Bostrom [7]
7Brian L. Cooper [16]
8Gordon B. Davis [4]
9Celia Fuller [29]
10Carleen Garnto [1]
11Robert D. Gatewood [7]
12Dale Goodhue [16] [24]
13Paul Gray [12] [15] [18] [23] [26] [27]
14Barbara J. Haley [13] [15]
15Jeffrey A. Hoffer [34] [41]
16David R. King [8] [10]
17Astrid Lipp [7]
18Robert J. Matyska Jr. [20]
19Shaila Miranda [3]
20Hugh O. Nourse [7]
21Carol E. Pollard [38]
22Anne Marie Reynolds [34] [41]
23Barry Robichaux [3]
24S. Robinson [5]
25John F. Rockart [4]
26Mathew Rutherford [21]
27John W. Satzinger [6]
28Scott L. Schneberger [38]
29Ron Seerley [3]
30Sanjay K. Singh [6] [25]
31Ronald S. Swift [8] [10]
32Gerald J. Tillman [2]
33Efraim Turbin [8]
34Linda A. Volonino [5]
35Joseph Walls [9]
36Joseph G. Walls [11]
37Richard T. Watson [25]
38Barbara Wixom [16] [18] [19] [21] [23] [24] [26] [27] [31] [33] [34] [36] [37] [39] [41]
39Dale Young [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)