
M. Watanabe

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7EES. Namiki, T. Hasama, M. Mori, M. Watanabe, H. Ishikawa: Dynamic Optical Path Switching for Ultra-Low Energy Consumption and Its Enabling Device Technologies. SAINT 2008: 393-396
6EEM. Watanabe, F. Kobayashi: A 0.35um CMOS 1, 632-gate-count Zero-Overhead Dynamic Optically Reconfigurable Gate Array VLSI. ASP-DAC 2007: 124-125
5EEM. Watanabe, F. Kobayashi: Optically Reconfigurable Gate Arrays vs. ASICs. APCCAS 2006: 1164-1167
4 Peter Frankl, M. Watanabe: Density Results for Uniform Families. Combinatorica 14(1): 115-119 (1994)
3EED. L. Bonner, Mark J. Jakiela, M. Watanabe, N. Kishi: Pseudoedge: nonintersected parametric quilt modeling of multiply connected objects. Computer-Aided Design 25(7): 438-452 (1993)
2 Shojiro Nishio, M. Watanabe, Y. Ohiwa, Toshiharu Hasegawa: Performance Evaluation on Several Cautious Schedulers for Database Concurrency Control. IWDM 1987: 157-170
1 M. Watanabe: The 2r th mean convergence of adaptive filters with stationary dependent random variables. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(2): 134-139 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1D. L. Bonner [3]
2Peter Frankl [4]
3T. Hasama [7]
4Toshiharu Hasegawa [2]
5H. Ishikawa [7]
6Mark J. Jakiela [3]
7N. Kishi [3]
8F. Kobayashi [5] [6]
9M. Mori [7]
10S. Namiki [7]
11Shojiro Nishio (Shojiro Muro) [2]
12Y. Ohiwa [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)