
Matthew O. Ward

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50EEDi Yang, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: Neighbor-based pattern detection for windows over streaming data. EDBT 2009: 529-540
49EEDi Yang, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: Nugget discovery in visual exploration environments by query consolidation. CIKM 2007: 603-612
48 Charudatta V. Wad, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: QoS: Quality Driven Data Abstraction Generation For Large Databases. QDB 2007: 19-25
47EEElke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward, Zaixian Xie, Qingguang Cui, Charudatta V. Wad, Di Yang, Shiping Huang: XmdvtoolQ: : quality-aware interactive data exploration. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1109-1112
46EEJing Yang, Daniel Hubball, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner, William Ribarsky: Value and Relation Display: Interactive Visual Exploration of Large Data Sets with Hundreds of Dimensions. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(3): 494-507 (2007)
45EEDi Yang, Zaixian Xie, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: Managing discoveries in the visual analytics process. SIGKDD Explorations 9(2): 22-29 (2007)
44EEJohn T. Stasko, Matthew O. Ward: Guest Editorial: InfoVis 2005. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(4): 535 (2006)
43EEQingguang Cui, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Jing Yang: Measuring Data Abstraction Quality in Multiresolution Visualizations. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 709-716 (2006)
42EEMatthew O. Ward, John T. Stasko: Introduction to the Special Issue. Information Visualization 5(2): 111 (2006)
41EENishant Mehta, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: A Hierarchy Navigation Framework: Supporting Scalable Interactive Exploration over Large Databases. IDEAS 2005: 425-434
40EEMatthew O. Ward, Tamara Munzner: Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on InfoVis. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(4): 431 (2005)
39EETamara Munzner, Matthew O. Ward: Introduction to the Special Section. Information Visualization 4(2): 95- (2005)
38EEJing Yang, Anilkumar Patro, Shiping Huang, Nishant Mehta, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Value and Relation Display for Interactive Exploration of High Dimensional Datasets. INFOVIS 2004: 73-80
37EEWei Peng, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Clutter Reduction in Multi-Dimensional Data Visualization Using Dimension Reordering. INFOVIS 2004: 89-96
36 Matthew O. Ward, Jing Yang: Interaction Spaces in Data and Information Visualization. VisSym 2004: 137-145
35 Matthew O. Ward: Finding Needles in Large-Scale Multivariate Data Haystacks. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(5): 16-19 (2004)
34EEGeraldine E. Rosario, Elke A. Rundensteiner, David C. Brown, Matthew O. Ward, Shiping Huang: Mapping nominal values to numbers for effective visualization. Information Visualization 3(2): 80-95 (2004)
33EEAparna S. Varde, Makiko Takahashi, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward, Mohammed Maniruzzaman, Richard D. Sisson Jr.: Apriori algorithm and game-of-life for predictive analysis in materials science. KES Journal 8(4): 213-228 (2004)
32EEPunit R. Doshi, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: Prefetching for Visual Data Exploratio. DASFAA 2003: 195-202
31 Jing Yang, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Hierarchical exploration of large multivariate data sets. Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 201-212
30 Theresa-Marie Rhyne, Melanie Tory, Tamara Munzner, Matthew O. Ward, Chris Johnson, David H. Laidlaw: Information and Scientific Visualization: Separate but Equal or Happy Together at Last. IEEE Visualization 2003: 619-621
29 Aparna S. Varde, Makiko Takahashi, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward, Mohammed Maniruzzaman, Richard D. Sisson Jr.: QuenchMinerTM: Decision Support for Optimization of Heat Treating Processes. IICAI 2003: 993-1002
28EEJing Yang, Wei Peng, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Interactive Hierarchical Dimension Ordering, Spacing and Filtering for Exploration of High Dimensional Datasets. INFOVIS 2003
27EEGeraldine E. Rosario, Elke A. Rundensteiner, David C. Brown, Matthew O. Ward: Mapping Nominal Values to Numbers for Effective Visualization. INFOVIS 2003
26EEPunit R. Doshi, Geraldine E. Rosario, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: A Strategy Selection Framework for Adaptive Prefetching in Data Visualization. SSDBM 2003: 107-116
25 Jing Yang, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Shiping Huang: Visual Hierarchical Dimension Reduction for Exploration of High Dimensional Datasets. VisSym 2003
24EEJing Yang, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Interactive hierarchical displays: a general framework for visualization and exploration of large multivariate data sets. Computers & Graphics 27(2): 265-283 (2003)
23EEJing Yang, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Anilkumar Patro: InterRing: a visual interface for navigating and manipulating hierarchies. Information Visualization 2(1): 16-30 (2003)
22EEJing Yang, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: InterRing: An Interactive Tool for Visually Navigating and Manipulating Hierarchical Structures. INFOVIS 2002: 77-84
21EEElke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward, Jing Yang, Punit R. Doshi: XmdvTool: visual interactive data exploration and trend discovery of high-dimensional data sets. SIGMOD Conference 2002: 631
20EEMatthew O. Ward: A taxonomy of glyph placement strategies for multidimensional data visualization. Information Visualization 1(3-4): 194-210 (2002)
19EEIonel D. Stroe, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward: Scalable Visual Hierarchy Exploration. DEXA 2000: 784-793
18EEYing-Huey Fua, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Structure-Based Brushes: A Mechanism for Navigating Hierarchically Organized Data and Information Spaces. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 6(2): 150-159 (2000)
17EEJayesh Govindarajan, Matthew O. Ward: GeoViser - Geographic Visualization of Search Engine Results. DEXA Workshop 1999: 269-273
16 Ying-Huey Fua, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Hierarchical Parallel Coordinates for Exploration of Large Datasets. IEEE Visualization 1999: 43-50
15 Jayesh Govindarajan, Matthew O. Ward, Jonathan Barnett: Visualizing Simulated Room Fires. IEEE Visualization 1999: 475-478
14EEYing-Huey Fua, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: Navigating Hierarchies with Structure-Based Brushes. INFOVIS 1999: 58-64
13EERichard J. Resnick, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundensteiner: FED - A Framework for Iterative Data Selection in Exploratory Visualization. SSDBM 1998: 180-189
12EEMatthew O. Ward, Kevin J. Theroux: Perceptual Benchmarking for Multivariate Data Visualization. Scientific Visualization 1997: 314-321
11EEMatthew O. Ward, Allen R. Martin: High Dimensional Brushing for Interactive Exploration of Multivariate Data. IEEE Visualization 1995: 271-278
10 Matthew O. Ward: XmdvTool: Integrating Multiple Methods for Visualizing Multivariate Data. IEEE Visualization 1994: 326-333
9EECraig E. Wills, David Finkel, Michael A. Gennert, Matthew O. Ward: Peer learning in an introductory computer science course. SIGCSE 1994: 309-313
8 Yuhong Zhang, Matthew O. Ward, Nabil I. Hachem, Michael A. Gennert: A Visual Programming Environment for Supporting Scientific Data Analysis. VL 1993: 368-370
7EENabil I. Hachem, Ke Qiu, Michael A. Gennert, Matthew O. Ward: Managing Derived Data in the Gaea Scientific DBMS. VLDB 1993: 1-12
6 D. N. Nedde, Matthew O. Ward: Visualizing relationships between nucleic acid sequences using correlation images. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9(3): 331-335 (1993)
5EENabil I. Hachem, Michael A. Gennert, Matthew O. Ward: An Overview of the Gaea Project. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(1): 29-32 (1993)
4EEKe Qiu, Nabil I. Hachem, Matthew O. Ward, Michael A. Gennert: Providing Temporal Support in Data Base Management Systems for Global Change Research. SSDBM 1992: 274-289
3 K. P. Hinkley, Matthew O. Ward: The Visual Comparison of Three Sequences. IEEE Visualization 1991: 179-187
2 J. LeBlanc, Matthew O. Ward, N. Wittels: Exploring N-Dimensional Databases. IEEE Visualization 1990: 230-237
1 Matthew O. Ward: The automated design of task-specific parallel processing architectures. ICPP 1982: 298-300

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Barnett [15]
2David C. Brown [27] [34]
3Qingguang Cui [43] [47]
4Punit R. Doshi [21] [26] [32]
5David Finkel [9]
6Ying-Huey Fua [14] [16] [18]
7Michael A. Gennert [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
8Jayesh Govindarajan [15] [17]
9Nabil I. Hachem [4] [5] [7] [8]
10K. P. Hinkley [3]
11Shiping Huang [25] [34] [38] [47]
12Daniel Hubball [46]
13Chris Johnson [30]
14David H. Laidlaw [30]
15J. LeBlanc [2]
16Mohammed Maniruzzaman [29] [33]
17Allen R. Martin [11]
18Nishant Mehta [38] [41]
19Tamara Munzner [30] [39] [40]
20D. N. Nedde [6]
21Anilkumar Patro [23] [38]
22Wei Peng [28] [37]
23Ke Qiu [4] [7]
24Richard J. Resnick [13]
25Theresa-Marie Rhyne [30]
26William Ribarsky [46]
27Geraldine E. Rosario [26] [27] [34]
28Elke A. Rundensteiner [13] [14] [16] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [34] [37] [38] [41] [43] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50]
29Richard D. Sisson Jr. [29] [33]
30John T. Stasko [42] [44]
31Ionel D. Stroe [19]
32Makiko Takahashi [29] [33]
33Kevin J. Theroux [12]
34Melanie Tory [30]
35Aparna S. Varde [29] [33]
36Charudatta V. Wad [47] [48]
37Craig E. Wills [9]
38N. Wittels [2]
39Zaixian Xie [45] [47]
40Di Yang [45] [47] [49] [50]
41Jing Yang [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [28] [31] [36] [38] [43] [46]
42Yuhong Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)