
Hong Wang

University of Idaho

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24EEHong Wang: Pentagons and cycle coverings. Journal of Graph Theory 54(3): 194-208 (2007)
23EEHong Wang: Maximal Total Length Of k Disjoint Cycles In Bipartite Graphs. Combinatorica 25(3): 367-377 (2005)
22EEYoshimi Egawa, Shinya Fujita, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Hong Wang: Existence of two disjoint long cycles in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 305(1-3): 154-169 (2005)
21EEDanhong Zhang, Hong Wang: Disjoint directed quadrilaterals in a directed graph. Journal of Graph Theory 50(2): 91-104 (2005)
20EEHong Wang: Vertex-disjoint quadrilaterals in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 288(1-3): 149-166 (2004)
19EEYoshimi Egawa, Mariko Hagita, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Hong Wang: Covering vertices of a graph by k disjoint cycles. Discrete Mathematics 270(1-3): 114-124 (2003)
18EEYoshiyas Ishigami, Hong Wang: An extension of a theorem on cycles containing specified independent edges. Discrete Mathematics 245(1-3): 127-137 (2002)
17 Hong Wang: On Quadrilaterals and Cycle Covers in a Bipartite Graph. Ars Comb. 58: (2001)
16 Hong Wang: Directed Bipartite Graphs Containing Every Possible Pair of Directed Cycles. Ars Comb. 60: (2001)
15EEHong Wang: On Independent Cycles in a Bipartite Graph. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(1): 177-183 (2001)
14EEHong Wang: On Covering a Bipartite Graph with Cycles. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 15(1): 86-96 (2001)
13EEBert Randerath, Ingo Schiermeyer, Hong Wang: On quadrilaterals in a graph. Discrete Mathematics 203(1-3): 229-237 (1999)
12EEHong Wang: On the maximum number of independent cycles in a graph. Discrete Mathematics 205(1-3): 183-190 (1999)
11EEHong Wang: Bipartite graphs containing every possible pair of cycles. Discrete Mathematics 207(1-3): 233-242 (1999)
10EEHong Wang: Vertex-Disjoint Triangles in Claw-Free Graphs with Minimum Degree at Least Three. Combinatorica 18(3): 441-447 (1998)
9EEHong Wang: Vertex-disjoint hexagons with chords in a bipartite graph. Discrete Mathematics 187(1-3): 221-231 (1998)
8EEHong Wang: Triangles in claw-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 187(1-3): 233-244 (1998)
7EEDavid M. Berman, A. J. Radcliffe, Alex D. Scott, Hong Wang, Larry Wargo: All trees contain a large induced subgraph having all degrees 1 (mod k). Discrete Mathematics 175(1-3): 35-40 (1997)
6EEHong Wang, Charles H. C. Little, Kee L. Teo: Partition of a directed bipartite graph into two directed cycles. Discrete Mathematics 160(1-3): 283-289 (1996)
5EEHong Wang: On the Maximum Number of Independent Cycles in a Bipartite Graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 67(1): 152-164 (1996)
4EEHong Wang: On K1, k-factorizations of a complete bipartite graph. Discrete Mathematics 126(1-3): 359-364 (1994)
3EEHong Wang: Partition of a bipartite graph into cycles. Discrete Mathematics 117(1-3): 287-291 (1993)
2EEHong Wang: P2p-factorization of a complete bipartite graph. Discrete Mathematics 120(1-3): 307-308 (1993)
1EEHong Wang, Norbert Sauer: Packing Three Copies of a Tree into a Complete Graph. Eur. J. Comb. 14(2): 137-142 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1David M. Berman [7]
2Yoshimi Egawa [19] [22]
3Shinya Fujita [22]
4Mariko Hagita [19]
5Yoshiyas Ishigami [18]
6Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi [19] [22]
7Charles H. C. Little (C. H. C. Little) [6]
8A. J. Radcliffe [7]
9Bert Randerath [13]
10Norbert Sauer (Norbert W. Sauer) [1]
11Ingo Schiermeyer [13]
12Alex D. Scott (Alexander D. Scott) [7]
13Kee L. Teo [6]
14Larry Wargo [7]
15Danhong Zhang [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)