
Zhijun Wang

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31EELei Ye, Zhijun Wang, Hao Che, Henry C. B. Chan, Constantino M. Lagoa: Utility function of TCP. Computer Communications 32(5): 800-805 (2009)
30EEZhijun Wang, Hao Che, Jiannong Cao: An Integrated Solution for Policy Filtering and Traffic Anomaly Detection. ATC 2008: 106-120
29EETinghong Zhao, Zhijun Wang, Zibin Man: A CGS-MSM PGA Based on Multi-agent and Its Application in Reactive Power Optimization. CSSE (1) 2008: 548-551
28EEZhijun Wang, Xue Wang, Xu Wang: Research and Implementation of Web-Based E-Learning Course Auto-generating Platform. Edutainment 2008: 70-76
27EEHun Jung, Miao Ju, Hao Che, Zhijun Wang: A Fast Performance Analysis Tool for Multicore, Multithreaded Communication Processors. HASE 2008: 135-144
26EELei Ye, Zhijun Wang, Hao Che: A Family of QoS Aware Congestion Control Protocols. ICC 2008: 5897-5901
25EEXiaocui Sun, Zhijun Wang, Hao Che, Feng Zhao: An End User Enabled MAC-in-MAC Encapsulation Scheme for Metro-Ethernet. ISPA 2008: 631-636
24EEHao Che, Zhijun Wang, Kai Zheng, Bin Liu: DRES: Dynamic Range Encoding Scheme for TCAM Coprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(7): 902-915 (2008)
23EEZhijun Wang, Xiaopeng Fan, Jiannong Cao: Design a Hierarchical Cache System for Effective Loss Recovery in Reliable Multicast. APPT 2007: 423-432
22EEZhijun Wang, Yong Liang, Lu Wang: Multicast in Mobile ad hoc Networks. CCTA 2007: 151-164
21EEHua Gao, Yaqin Wang, Zhijun Wang: Representation and Calculation method of Plant Root. CCTA 2007: 295-301
20EEYu Huang, Jiannong Cao, Zhijun Wang, Beihong Jin, Yulin Feng: Achieving Flexible Cache Consistency for Pervasive Internet Access. PerCom 2007: 239-250
19EEZhijun Wang, Sajal K. Das, Mohan Kumar, Huaping Shen: An efficient update propagation algorithm for P2P systems. Computer Communications 30(5): 1106-1115 (2007)
18EEHuaping Shen, Sajal K. Das, Mohan Kumar, Zhijun Wang: Semi-lock: An Efficient Cheat-Proof Synchronization Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Game Systems. EUC 2006: 935-944
17EEZhijun Wang, Umapathi Mani, Miao Ju, Hao Che: A Rate Adaptive Hybrid MAC Protocol for Wireless Cellular Networks. ICWMC 2006: 53
16EEZhijun Wang, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das, Huaping Shen: File Consistency Maintenance Through Virtual Servers in P2P Systems. ISCC 2006: 435-441
15EEKai Zheng, Hao Che, Zhijun Wang, Bin Liu, Xin Zhang: DPPC-RE: TCAM-Based Distributed Parallel Packet Classification with Range Encoding. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(8): 947-961 (2006)
14EEZhijun Wang, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das, Huaping Shen: Dynamic cache consistency schemes for wireless cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(2): 366-376 (2006)
13EEZhijun Wang, Jingyuan Zhang: A speed-adaptive strategy for location management cost reduction in cellular networks. Wireless Networks 12(6): 759-769 (2006)
12EEKai Zheng, Hao Che, Zhijun Wang, Bin Liu: TCAM-based distributed parallel packet classification algorithm with range-matching solution. INFOCOM 2005: 293-303
11EEHuaping Shen, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das, Zhijun Wang: Energy-Efficient Data Caching and Prefetching for Mobile Devices Based on Utility. MONET 10(4): 475-486 (2005)
10EEHuaping Shen, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das, Zhijun Wang: Energy-Efficient Caching and Prefetching with Data Consistency in Mobile Distributed Systems. IPDPS 2004
9EEHuaping Shen, Sajal K. Das, Mohan Kumar, Zhijun Wang: Cooperative Caching with Optimal Radius in Hybrid Wireless Networks. NETWORKING 2004: 841-853
8EEZhijun Wang, Sajal K. Das, Mohan Kumar, Huaping Shen: Update Propagation through Replica Chain in Decentralized and Unstructured P2P Systems. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2004: 64-71
7EEZhijun Wang, Hao Che, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das: CoPTUA: Consistent Policy Table Update Algorithm for TCAM without Locking. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(12): 1602-1614 (2004)
6EEZhijun Wang, Sajal K. Das, Hao Che, Mohan Kumar: A Scalable Asynchronous Cache Consistency Scheme (SACCS) for Mobile Environments. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(11): 983-995 (2004)
5EEXingwei Wang, Hui Cheng, Jiannong Cao, Zhijun Wang, Min Huang: QoS-Driven Multicast Tree Generation Using Genetic Algorithm. APPT 2003: 404-413
4EEZhijun Wang, Sajal K. Das, Hao Che, Mohan Kumar: SACCS: Scalable Asynchronous Cache Consistency Scheme for Mobile Environments. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 797-802
3EEZhijun Wang, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das, Huaping Shen: Investigation of Cache Maintenance Strategies for Multi-cell Environments. Mobile Data Management 2003: 29-44
2EEZhijun Wang, Jingyuan Zhang: A Speed-Adaptive Location Management Scheme. ICPADS 2002: 597-
1EEHao Che, Zhijun Wang, Ye Tung: Analysis and Design of Hierarchical Web Caching Systems. INFOCOM 2001: 1416-1424

Coauthor Index

1Jiannong Cao [5] [20] [23] [30]
2Henry C. B. Chan [31]
3Hao Che [1] [4] [6] [7] [12] [15] [17] [24] [25] [26] [27] [30] [31]
4Hui Cheng [5]
5Sajal K. Das [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [16] [18] [19]
6Xiaopeng Fan [23]
7Yulin Feng [20]
8Hua Gao [21]
9Min Huang [5]
10Yu Huang [20]
11Beihong Jin [20]
12Miao Ju [17] [27]
13Hun Jung [27]
14Mohan Kumar [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [16] [18] [19]
15Constantino M. Lagoa [31]
16Yong Liang [22]
17Bin Liu [12] [15] [24]
18Zibin Man [29]
19Umapathi Mani [17]
20Huaping Shen [3] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [16] [18] [19]
21Xiaocui Sun [25]
22Ye Tung [1]
23Lu Wang [22]
24Xingwei Wang [5]
25Xu Wang [28]
26Xue Wang [28]
27Yaqin Wang [21]
28Lei Ye [26] [31]
29Jingyuan Zhang [2] [13]
30Xin Zhang [15]
31Feng Zhao [25]
32Tinghong Zhao [29]
33Kai Zheng [12] [15] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)