
Xiaorui Wang

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20EEXiaodong Wang, Xiaorui Wang, Xing Fu, Guoliang Xing, Nitish Jha: Flow-Based Real-Time Communication in Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks. EWSN 2009: 33-52
19EEDengfeng Yang, Xueping Li, Rapinder Sawhney, Xiaorui Wang: Geographic and energy-aware routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJAHUC 4(2): 61-70 (2009)
18EEXiaorui Wang, Ming Chen: Cluster-level feedback power control for performance optimization. HPCA 2008: 101-110
17EEXiaorui Wang, Ming Chen: Adaptive power control for server clusters. IPDPS 2008: 1-5
16EEMing Chen, Xiaorui Wang, Raghul Gunasekaran, Hairong Qi, Mallikarjun Shankar: Control-Based Real-Time Metadata Matching for Information Dissemination. RTCSA 2008: 133-142
15EECharles Lefurgy, Xiaorui Wang, Malcolm Ware: Power capping: a prelude to power shifting. Cluster Computing 11(2): 183-195 (2008)
14EEXiaorui Wang, Ming Chen, Huang-Ming Huang, Venkita Subramonian, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D. Gill: Control-Based Adaptive Middleware for Real-Time Image Transmission over Bandwidth-Constrained Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(6): 779-793 (2008)
13EEXiaorui Wang, Chenyang Lu, Christopher Gill: FCS/nORB: A feedback control real-time scheduling service for embedded ORB middleware. Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design 32(8): 413-424 (2008)
12EEXiaorui Wang, Yingming Chen, Chenyang Lu, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: On Controllability and Feasibility of Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Systems. ECRTS 2007: 103-112
11EECharles Lefurgy, Xiaorui Wang, Malcolm Ware: Server-Level Power Control. ICAC 2007: 4
10EEXiaorui Wang, Dong Jia, Chenyang Lu, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: DEUCON: Decentralized End-to-End Utilization Control for Distributed Real-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(7): 996-1009 (2007)
9EEXiaorui Wang, Yingming Chen, Chenyang Lu, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: FC-ORB: A robust distributed real-time embedded middleware with end-to-end utilization control. Journal of Systems and Software 80(7): 938-950 (2007)
8EEXiaorui Wang, Dong Jia, Chenyang Lu, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: Decentralized Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Systems. RTSS 2005: 133-142
7EEXiaorui Wang, Chenyang Lu, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: Enhancing the Robustness of Distributed Real-Time Middleware via End-to-End Utilization Control. RTSS 2005: 189-199
6EEChenyang Lu, Xiaorui Wang, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: Feedback Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Systems with End-to-End Tasks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(6): 550-561 (2005)
5EEGuoliang Xing, Xiaorui Wang, Yuanfang Zhang, Chenyang Lu, Robert Pless, Christopher D. Gill: Integrated coverage and connectivity configuration for energy conservation in sensor networks. TOSN 1(1): 36-72 (2005)
4EEChenyang Lu, Xiaorui Wang, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos: End-to-End Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Systems. ICDCS 2004: 456-466
3EEXiaorui Wang, Huang-Ming Huang, Venkita Subramonian, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D. Gill: CAMRIT: Control-based Adaptive Middleware for Real-time Image Transmission. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004: 296-305
2EEChenyang Lu, Xiaorui Wang, Christopher D. Gill: Feedback Control Real-Time Scheduling in ORB Middleware. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2003: 37-48
1EEXiaorui Wang, Guoliang Xing, Yuanfang Zhang, Chenyang Lu, Robert Pless, Christopher D. Gill: Integrated coverage and connectivity configuration in wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2003: 28-39

Coauthor Index

1Ming Chen [14] [16] [17] [18]
2Yingming Chen [9] [12]
3Xing Fu [20]
4Christopher Gill [13]
5Christopher D. Gill [1] [2] [3] [5] [14]
6Raghul Gunasekaran [16]
7Huang-Ming Huang [3] [14]
8Nitish Jha [20]
9Dong Jia [8] [10]
10Xenofon D. Koutsoukos [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
11Charles Lefurgy [11] [15]
12Xueping Li [19]
13Chenyang Lu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14]
14Robert Pless [1] [5]
15Hairong Qi [16]
16Rapinder Sawhney [19]
17Mallikarjun Shankar [16]
18Venkita Subramonian [3] [14]
19Xiaodong Wang [20]
20Malcolm Ware [11] [15]
21Guoliang Xing [1] [5] [20]
22Dengfeng Yang [19]
23Yuanfang Zhang [1] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)