
Jingzhou Wang

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4EEXiao Zheng, Jingzhou Wang, Guoxiang Lin, Nong Wan, Yaxin Zhang: Digitalized Image Analysis Based Measurement and Calculation of Fractal Characteristic and Fractal Dimension of Pore Structure of Sesame Cake. ISIP 2008: 373-378
3EEXiao Zheng, Guoxiang Lin, Jingzhou Wang, Yaxin Zhang: Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Viscoelastic-Plastic Constitutive Equation of Soybean and Cottonseed Based on Particles Swarm Optimization. WKDD 2008: 546-552
2EEXiao Zheng, Guoxiang Lin, Dongping He, Jingzhou Wang: Measurement and Prediction of Stress-strain for Extruded Oilseed Using Neural Networks Under Uniaxial Cold Pressing. CCTA 2007: 1-10
1EEXiao Zheng, Guoxiang Lin, Dongping He, Jingzhou Wang, Yan You: Identification and Application of Nonlinear Rheological Characteristics of Oilseed Based on Artificial Neural Networks. LSMS (2) 2007: 406-413

Coauthor Index

1Dongping He [1] [2]
2Guoxiang Lin [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Nong Wan [4]
4Yan You [1]
5Yaxin Zhang [3] [4]
6Xiao Zheng [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)