
Petr Vysoký

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6EERoman Bittner, Pavel Smrcka, Miroslav Pavelka, Petr Vysoký, Lubomir Pousek: Fatigue Indicators of Drowsy Drivers Based on Analysis of Physiological Signals. ISMDA 2001: 62-68
5EERoman Bittner, Pavel Smrcka, Petr Vysoký, Karel Hána, Lubomir Pousek, Petr Schreib: Detecting of Fatigue States of a Car Driver. ISMDA 2000: 260-273
4 Petr Vysoký, Zdenek Pechal: Computer Aided Rule Extraction from Examples. EUROCAST 1995: 437-446
3 Petr Vysoký: Control of Systems Described by Means of Nonmetric Variables. EUROCAST 1991: 142-152
2EEPetr Vysoký: Knowledge-base reconstruction. Knowl.-Based Syst. 3(1): 17-20 (1990)
1 Petr Vysoký: Teaching Students of Electrical Engineering AI Methods. Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education 1989: 226-229

Coauthor Index

1Roman Bittner [5] [6]
2Karel Hána [5]
3Miroslav Pavelka [6]
4Zdenek Pechal [4]
5Lubomir Pousek [5] [6]
6Petr Schreib [5]
7Pavel Smrcka [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)