
Sjoerd de Vries

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6EESjoerd de Vries, Piet Kommers: Online knowledge communities: future trends and research issues. IJWBC 1(1): 115-123 (2004)
5EESjoerd de Vries: Concourse: The Design of an Online Collaborated Writing Center. Informatica (Slovenia) 27(3): 255-262 (2003)
4 Sjoerd de Vries: A Reference Model for the Development of Networked Organizational Communication: A Communication Perspective. ICWI 2002: 799-804
3 Sjoerd de Vries: Online Knowledge Communities: Meeting Places for Continuing Professional Development. SECIII 2002: 215-224
2 Sjoerd de Vries, Paul Bloemen, Lonneke Roossink: Online Knowledge Communities. WebNet 2000: 124-129
1 Sjoerd de Vries, Henk Donker: HERODOTUS: An Educational Site as an Integral Part of a Study Book. WebNet 1996

Coauthor Index

1Paul Bloemen [2]
2Henk Donker [1]
3Piet Kommers [6]
4Lonneke Roossink [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)