
David S. Vogel

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6EEDavid S. Vogel, Ognian Asparouhov, Tobias Scheffer: Scalable look-ahead linear regression trees. KDD 2007: 757-764
5EEDavid S. Vogel, Steffen Bickel, Peter Haider, Rolf Schimpfky, Peter Siemen, Steve Bridges, Tobias Scheffer: Classifying search engine queries using the web as background knowledge. SIGKDD Explorations 7(2): 117-122 (2005)
4EEDavid S. Vogel, Morgan C. Wang: 1-dimensional splines as building blocks for improving accuracy of risk outcomes models. KDD 2004: 841-846
3EEDavid S. Vogel, Eric Gottschalk, Morgan C. Wang: Anti-matter detection: particle physics model for KDD Cup 2004. SIGKDD Explorations 6(2): 109-112 (2004)
2EEDavid S. Vogel, Eric Gottschalk, Morgan C. Wang: Protein matching with custom neural network objective functions. SIGKDD Explorations 6(2): 125-127 (2004)
1EEDavid S. Vogel, Randy C. Axelrod: Predicting the Effects of Gene Deletion. SIGKDD Explorations 4(2): 101-103 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Ognian Asparouhov [6]
2Randy C. Axelrod [1]
3Steffen Bickel [5]
4Steve Bridges [5]
5Eric Gottschalk [2] [3]
6Peter Haider [5]
7Tobias Scheffer [5] [6]
8Rolf Schimpfky [5]
9Peter Siemen [5]
10Morgan C. Wang [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)