
Fabrice Vincent

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3EELeonardo Florez-Valencia, Jacques Azencot, Fabrice Vincent, Maciej Orkisz, Isabelle E. Magnin: Segmentation and Quantification of Blood Vessels in 3D Images using a Right Generalized Cylinder State Model. ICIP 2006: 2441-2444
2EELuc Bracoud, Fabrice Vincent, Chahin Pachai, Emmanuelle Canet, Pierre Croisille, Didier Revel: Automatic Registration of MR First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Images. FIMH 2003: 215-223
1 Fabrice Vincent, Patrick Clarysse, Pierre Croisille, Isabelle E. Magnin: An Elasticity-Based Region Model and its Application to the Estimation of the Heart Deformation in Tagged MRI. ICIP 2000

Coauthor Index

1Jacques Azencot [3]
2Luc Bracoud [2]
3Emmanuelle Canet [2]
4Patrick Clarysse [1]
5Pierre Croisille [1] [2]
6Leonardo Florez-Valencia [3]
7Isabelle E. Magnin [1] [3]
8Maciej Orkisz [3]
9Chahin Pachai [2]
10Didier Revel [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)