
Daniel A. Villela

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9EEDaniel A. Villela: Performance Analysis of Updating Mechanisms for Dynamic Content in Peer-to-Peer Networks. CCGRID 2007: 513-520
8EEDaniel A. Villela, Prashant Pradhan, Dan Rubenstein: Provisioning servers in the application tier for e-commerce systems. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 7(1): (2007)
7EEDaniel A. Villela, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, Sambit Sahu: Impact of Load Sharing on Provisioning Services with Consistency Requirements. INFOCOM 2006
6EEDaniel A. Villela, Dan Rubenstein: Performance Analysis of Server Sharing Collectives for Content Distribution. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(12): 1178-1189 (2005)
5EEDaniel A. Villela, Prashant Pradhan, Dan Rubenstein: Provisioning servers in the application tier for e-commerce systems. IWQoS 2004: 57-66
4EEDaniel A. Villela, Dan Rubenstein: Performance Analysis of Server Sharing Collectives for Content Distribution. IWQoS 2003: 41-58
3EEDaniel A. Villela, Andrew T. Campbell, John B. Vicente: Virtuosity: Programmable resource management for spawning networks. Computer Networks 36(1): 49-73 (2001)
2 John B. Vicente, Michael E. Kounavis, Daniel A. Villela, Michah Lerner, Andrew T. Campbell: Programming Internet Quality of Service. USM 2000: 106-123
1 Andrew T. Campbell, John B. Vicente, Daniel A. Villela: Managing Spawned Virtual Networks. IWAN 1999: 249-261

Coauthor Index

1Andrew T. Campbell [1] [2] [3]
2Michael E. Kounavis [2]
3Michah Lerner [2]
4Vishal Misra [7]
5Prashant Pradhan [5] [8]
6Dan Rubenstein [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Sambit Sahu [7]
8John B. Vicente [1] [2] [3]

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