
Michael E. Kounavis

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13EEShay Gueron, Michael E. Kounavis: Vortex: A New Family of One-Way Hash Functions Based on AES Rounds and Carry-Less Multiplication. ISC 2008: 331-340
12EEVinodh Gopal, Satyajit Grover, Michael E. Kounavis: Fast multiplication techniques for public key cryptography. ISCC 2008: 316-325
11EEShay Gueron, Michael E. Kounavis: A Technique for Accelerating Characteristic 2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography. ITNG 2008: 265-272
10EEMichael E. Kounavis, Frank L. Berry: Novel Table Lookup-Based Algorithms for High-Performance CRC Generation. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(11): 1550-1560 (2008)
9EEMichael E. Kounavis, Alok Kumar, Raj Yavatkar: Sorting Packets by Packet Schedulers Using a Connected Trie Data Structure. INFOCOM 2007: 436-444
8EEMichael E. Kounavis, Alok Kumar, Raj Yavatkar, H. Vin: Two stage packet classification using most specific filter matching and transport level sharing. Computer Networks 51(18): 4951-4978 (2007)
7EEAbhijeet Joglekar, Michael E. Kounavis, Frank L. Berry: A Scalable and High Performance Software iSCSI Implementation. FAST 2005
6EEMichael E. Kounavis, Frank L. Berry: A Systematic Approach to Building High Performance Software-Based CRC Generators. ISCC 2005: 855-862
5EEMichael E. Kounavis, Andrew T. Campbell, Stephen T. Chou, John B. Vicente: Programming the data path in network processor-based routers. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(11): 1041-1078 (2005)
4EEAndrew T. Campbell, Michael E. Kounavis, John B. Vicente: Programmable Networks. Informatics 2001: 34-49
3 Michael E. Kounavis, Andrew T. Campbell, Gen Ito, Giuseppe Bianchi: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Programmable Handoff in Mobile Networks. MONET 6(5): 443-461 (2001)
2 John B. Vicente, Michael E. Kounavis, Daniel A. Villela, Michah Lerner, Andrew T. Campbell: Programming Internet Quality of Service. USM 2000: 106-123
1EEAndrew T. Campbell, Michael E. Kounavis, Raymond R.-F. Liao: Programmable mobile networks. Computer Networks 31(7): 741-765 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Frank L. Berry [6] [7] [10]
2Giuseppe Bianchi [3]
3Andrew T. Campbell [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Stephen T. Chou [5]
5Vinodh Gopal [12]
6Satyajit Grover [12]
7Shay Gueron [11] [13]
8Gen Ito [3]
9Abhijeet Joglekar [7]
10Alok Kumar [8] [9]
11Michah Lerner [2]
12Raymond R.-F. Liao [1]
13John B. Vicente [2] [4] [5]
14Daniel A. Villela [2]
15H. Vin [8]
16Raj Yavatkar [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)