
Rudolf Vetschera

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13EERudolf Vetschera: Learning about preferences in electronic negotiations - A volume-based measurement method. European Journal of Operational Research 194(2): 452-463 (2009)
12EEKaisa Miettinen, Kalyanmoy Deb, Johannes Jahn, Wlodzimierz Ogryczak, Koji Shimoyama, Rudolf Vetschera: Future Challenges. Multiobjective Optimization 2008: 435-461
11EEGregory E. Kersten, Jamshid Etezadi, Eva Chen, Rudolf Vetschera: User Assessment of E-negotiation Systems. HICSS 2007: 34
10EERudolf Vetschera: Preference structures and negotiator behavior in electronic negotiations. Decision Support Systems 44(1): 135-146 (2007)
9EERudolf Vetschera: Inconsistent Behaviour in Electronic Negotiations - An Exploratory Analysis. Electronic Markets 16(3): 201-211 (2006)
8EERudolf Vetschera: The Impact of Preference Structures in Multi-Issue Negotiations - an Empirical Analysis. OR 2005: 779-784
7EEWlodzimierz Ogryczak, Rudolf Vetschera: Methodological foundations of multi-criteria decision making. European Journal of Operational Research 158(2): 267-270 (2004)
6EEGregory E. Kersten, Sabine T. Köszegi, Rudolf Vetschera: The Effects of Culture in Anonymous Negotiations: Experiment in Four Countries. HICSS 2002: 27
5EEIngo Hofacker, Rudolf Vetschera: Algorithmical approaches to business process design. Computers & OR 28(13): 1253-1275 (2001)
4EERudolf Vetschera: A recursive algorithm for volume-based sensitivity analysis of linear decision models. Computers & OR 24(5): 477-491 (1997)
3 Heinz Walterscheid, Rudolf Vetschera, Gunnar Hoffmann: Die betriebliche Praxis der Entwicklung und Bewertung managementunterstützenden Informationssystemen. Wirtschaftsinformatik 37(1): 40-49 (1995)
2EERudolf Vetschera: An interactive outranking system for multiattribute decision making. Computers & OR 15(4): 311-322 (1988)
1 Rudolf Vetschera: Eine Programmiersprache für ökonometrische Modellsimulationen. Angewandte Informatik 25(1): 10-17 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Eva Chen [11]
2Kalyanmoy Deb [12]
3Jamshid Etezadi [11]
4Ingo Hofacker [5]
5Gunnar Hoffmann [3]
6Johannes Jahn [12]
7Gregory E. Kersten [6] [11]
8Sabine T. Köszegi [6]
9Kaisa Miettinen [12]
10Wlodzimierz Ogryczak [7] [12]
11Koji Shimoyama [12]
12Heinz Walterscheid [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)