
Michael Verhaart

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9EEMichael Verhaart, John Jamieson: Implementation of a multimedia object (MMO) in a variety of web environments. CHINZ 2007: 73-79
8EEMichael Verhaart, Kinshuk: An Annotation Framework for a Virtual Learning Portfolio. ICALT 2006: 156-160
7EEMichael Verhaart: EMTeachline Mathematics Software. Educational Technology & Society 8(1): 126-131 (2005)
6EEMichael Verhaart: Time Engineers Software. Educational Technology & Society 8(2): 230-236 (2005)
5EEMichael Verhaart, John Jamieson, Kinshuk: Collecting, Organizing, and Managing Non-contextualised Data by Using MVML to Develop a Human-Computer Interface. APCHI 2004: 511-520
4 Michael Verhaart, Kinshuk: Adding Semantics and Context to Media Resources to Enable Efficient Construction of Learning Objects. ICALT 2004
3EEMichael Verhaart: Developing a knowledge capture system based on sharable and self documenting learning objects. Educational Technology & Society 6(3): 1-16 (2003)
2EEMichael Verhaart: AniCAM: Developing stream based teaching resources. Educational Technology & Society 6(4): 173-176 (2003)
1 Michael Verhaart: Knowledge Capture at Source: Developing Collaborative Shared Resources. ICCE 2002: 1484-1485

Coauthor Index

1John Jamieson [5] [9]
2 Kinshuk [4] [5] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)