
A. Hadi Vencheh

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7EEB. Asady, M. Tavassoli Kajani, A. Hadi Vencheh, A. Heydari: Solving second kind integral equations with hybrid Fourier and block-pulse functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 160(2): 517-522 (2005)
6EEM. Tavassoli Kajani, A. Hadi Vencheh: Solving second kind integral equations with Hybrid Chebyshev and Block-Pulse functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(1): 71-77 (2005)
5EEA. Hadi Vencheh, Reza Kazemi Matin, M. Tavassoli Kajani: Undesirable factors in efficiency measurement. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(2): 547-552 (2005)
4EEM. Tavassoli Kajani, B. Asady, A. Hadi Vencheh: An iterative method for solving dual fuzzy nonlinear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 316-323 (2005)
3EEB. Asady, M. Tavassoli Kajani, A. Hadi Vencheh, A. Heydari: Direct method for solving integro differential equations using hybrid Fourier and block-pulse functions. Int. J. Comput. Math. 82(7): 889-895 (2005)
2EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Reza Kazemi Matin, A. Hadi Vencheh: On FDH efficiency analysis with interval data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 159(1): 47-55 (2004)
1EEM. Tavassoli Kajani, A. Hadi Vencheh: Solving linear integro-differential equation with Legendre wavelets. Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(6): 719-726 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1B. Asady [3] [4] [7]
2A. Heydari [3] [7]
3Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo [2]
4M. Tavassoli Kajani [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Reza Kazemi Matin [2] [5]

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