
Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo

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40EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, A. Shirzadi, S. M. Mirdehghan: Finding strong defining hyperplanes of PPS using multiplier form. European Journal of Operational Research 194(3): 933-938 (2009)
39EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, M. Afzalinejad: Goal programming in the context of the assignment problem and a computationally effective solution method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 200(1): 34-40 (2008)
38EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, F. Rezai Balf, H. Zhiani Rezai: Using Monte Carlo method for ranking interval data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 201(1-2): 613-620 (2008)
37EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh, A. Mostafaee: A simplified version of the DEA cost efficiency model. European Journal of Operational Research 184(2): 814-815 (2008)
36EEMajid Soleimani-Damaneh, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo: Optimal and strongly optimal solutions for linear programming models with variable parameters. Appl. Math. Lett. 20(10): 1052-1056 (2007)
35EEShanling Li, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, M. Khodabakhshi: A super-efficiency model for ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(2): 638-648 (2007)
34EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh, A. Mostafaee: On the computational complexity of cost efficiency analysis models. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(1): 638-640 (2007)
33EEF. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, M. Esmaeili: An alternative approach in the estimation of returns to scale under weight restrictions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(1): 719-724 (2007)
32EEF. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, M. Esmaeili: Sensitivity analysis of efficient units in the presence of non-discretionary inputs. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1185-1197 (2007)
31EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, F. Rezai Balf, H. Zhiani Rezai: Discriminant analysis of interval data using Monte Carlo method in assessment of overlap. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(2): 521-532 (2007)
30EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, H. Zhiani Rezai, F. Rezai Balf: Finding strong defining hyperplanes of Production Possibility Set. European Journal of Operational Research 177(1): 42-54 (2007)
29EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Hélcio Vieira Jr., F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Darush Akbarian: A new DEA ranking system based on changing the reference set. European Journal of Operational Research 181(1): 331-337 (2007)
28EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh, A. Mostafaee: A mini-review of numerical methods for high-order problems. Int. J. Comput. Math. 84(4): 553-562 (2007)
27EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, L. Pourkarimi, M. Zarepisheh: Modified MAJ model for ranking decision making units in data envelopment analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation 174(2): 1054-1059 (2006)
26EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M. Izadikhah: An algorithmic method to extend TOPSIS for decision-making problems with interval data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 175(2): 1375-1384 (2006)
25EEMajid Soleimani-Damaneh, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Saeid Abbasbandy: Computational and theoretical pitfalls in some current performance measurement techniques; and a new approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation 181(2): 1199-1207 (2006)
24EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M. Izadikhah: Extension of the TOPSIS method for decision-making problems with fuzzy data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 181(2): 1544-1551 (2006)
23EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, S. Sohraiee: Egoist's dilemma with interval data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(1): 94-105 (2006)
22EEMajid Soleimani-Damaneh, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, A. A. Foroughi: A comment on "Measuring super-efficiency in DEA in the presence of infeasibility". European Journal of Operational Research 170(1): 323-325 (2006)
21EEMajid Soleimani-Damaneh, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, M. Reshadi: On the estimation of returns-to-scale in FDH models. European Journal of Operational Research 174(2): 1055-1059 (2006)
20EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh, M. Reshadi: On Pareto (dynamically) efficient paths. Int. J. Comput. Math. 83(8&9): 631-635 (2006)
19EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Azizollah Memariani, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja: A feasible interval for weights in data envelopment analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation 160(1): 155-168 (2005)
18EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M. Moradi: A DEA approach for fair allocation of common revenue. Applied Mathematics and Computation 160(3): 719-724 (2005)
17EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, H. Zhiani Rezai, F. Rezai Balf: Using Monte Carlo method for ranking efficient DMUs. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(1): 371-379 (2005)
16EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, A. A. Foroughi: Efficiency analysis, generating an efficient extreme point for an MOLP, and some comparisons. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(2): 991-1005 (2005)
15EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M. Zohrehbandian: Finding the piecewise linear frontier production function in data envelopment analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(1): 483-488 (2005)
14EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Azizollah Memariani, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, H. Zhiani Rezai: A note on some of DEA models and finding efficiency and complete ranking using common set of weights. Applied Mathematics and Computation 166(2): 265-281 (2005)
13EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, G. Tohidi, S. Razavyan: The identification of nondominated and efficient paths on a network. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 866-873 (2005)
12EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, G. Tohidi: A method for generating all efficient solutions of 0-1 multi-objective linear programming problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 874-886 (2005)
11EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, G. Tohidi, S. Razavyan: A one-model approach to classification and sensitivity analysis in DEA. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 887-896 (2005)
10EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, M. Sanei, G. Tohidi: Sensitivity and stability analysis in DEA. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 897-904 (2005)
9EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, G. Tohidi, S. Razavyan: Sensitivity of efficiency classifications in the inverse DEA models. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 905-916 (2005)
8EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, G. Tohidi, S. Razavyan: Undesirable inputs and outputs in DEA models. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 917-925 (2005)
7EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M. Zohrehbandian: Finding the efficiency score and RTS characteristic of DMUs by means of identifying the efficient frontier in DEA. Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(2): 985-993 (2005)
6EEAlireza Amirteimoori, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Sohrab Kordrostami: Ranking of decision making units in data envelopment analysis: A distance-based approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(1): 122-135 (2005)
5EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh, M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh: An enhanced procedure for estimating returns-to-scale in DEA. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(2): 1226-1238 (2005)
4EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh: A note on simulating weights restrictions in DEA: an improvement of Thanassoulis and Allen's method. Computers & OR 32: 1037-1044 (2005)
3EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, N. Shoja, G. Tohidi: A method for finding efficient DMUs in DEA Using 0-1 linear programming. Applied Mathematics and Computation 159(1): 37-45 (2004)
2EEGholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Reza Kazemi Matin, A. Hadi Vencheh: On FDH efficiency analysis with interval data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 159(1): 47-55 (2004)
1EES. Reza Hejazi, Azizollah Memariani, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Mohammad Mehdi Sepehri: Linear bilevel programming solution by genetic algorithm. Computers & OR 29(13): 1913-1925 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Saeid Abbasbandy [25]
2M. Afzalinejad [39]
3Darush Akbarian [29]
4Alireza Amirteimoori [6]
5F. Rezai Balf [17] [30] [31] [38]
6M. Esmaeili [32] [33]
7A. A. Foroughi [16] [22]
8S. Reza Hejazi [1]
9M. Izadikhah [24] [26]
10M. Khodabakhshi [35]
11Sohrab Kordrostami [6]
12Shanling Li [35]
13F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi [3] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [23] [24] [26] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [38]
14Reza Kazemi Matin [2]
15Azizollah Memariani [1] [14] [19]
16S. M. Mirdehghan [40]
17M. Moradi [18]
18A. Mostafaee [28] [34] [37]
19L. Pourkarimi [27]
20S. Razavyan [8] [9] [11] [13]
21M. Reshadi [20] [21]
22H. Zhiani Rezai [14] [17] [30] [31] [38]
23M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh [5]
24M. Sanei [10]
25Mohammad Mehdi Sepehri [1]
26A. Shirzadi [40]
27N. Shoja [3] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [19]
28S. Sohraiee [23]
29Majid Soleimani-Damaneh [4] [5] [20] [21] [22] [25] [28] [34] [36] [37]
30G. Tohidi [3] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
31A. Hadi Vencheh [2]
32Hélcio Vieira Jr. [29]
33M. Zarepisheh [27]
34M. Zohrehbandian [7] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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