
Hendrik A. H. C. van Veen

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4EEJan B. F. Van Erp, Hendrik A. H. C. van Veen, Chris Jansen, Trevor Dobbins: Waypoint navigation with a vibrotactile waist belt. TAP 2(2): 106-117 (2005)
3EEHanspeter A. Mallot, Sabine Gillner, Hendrik A. H. C. van Veen, Heinrich H. Bülthoff: Behavioral Experiments in Spatial Cognition Using Virtual Reality. Spatial Cognition 1998: 447-468
2EEGalia Givaty, Hendrik A. H. C. van Veen, Chris Christou, Heinrich H. Bülthoff: Tele-Experiments - Experiments on Spatial Cognition Using VRML-Based Multimedia. VRML 1998: 101-
1EEHendrik A. H. C. van Veen, Hartwig K. Distler, Stephan J. Braun, Heinrich H. Bülthoff: Navigating through a virtual city: Using virtual reality technology to study human action and perception. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 14(3-4): 231-242 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Stephan J. Braun [1]
2Heinrich H. Bülthoff [1] [2] [3]
3Chris Christou [2]
4Hartwig K. Distler [1]
5Trevor Dobbins [4]
6Jan B. F. Van Erp [4]
7Sabine Gillner [3]
8Galia Givaty [2]
9Chris Jansen [4]
10Hanspeter A. Mallot [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)