
Peter Vary

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12EESusanne Godtmann, Helge Luders, Gerd Ascheid, Peter Vary: A Bit-Mapping Strategy for Joint Iterative Channel Estimation and Turbo-Decoding. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
11EEBirgit Schotsch, Laurent Schmalen, Peter Vary, Thorsten Clevorn: Graph-Based Turbo DeCodulation with LDPC Codes. VTC Spring 2008: 772-776
10EEB. Geiser, Peter Jax, Peter Vary, H. Taddei, S. Schandl, M. Gartner, C. Guillaume, S. Ragot: Bandwidth Extension for Hierarchical Speech and Audio Coding in ITU-T Rec. G.729.1. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(8): 2496-2509 (2007)
9EEHeinrich W. Löllmann, Peter Vary: Uniform and warped low delay filter-banks for speech enhancement. Speech Communication 49(7-8): 574-587 (2007)
8EEThorsten Clevorn, Susanne Godtmann, Peter Vary: Optimized Mappings for Iteratively Decoded BICM on Rayleigh Channels with Interleaving. VTC Spring 2006: 2083-2087
7EEGerald Enzner, Peter Vary: Frequency-domain adaptive Kalman filter for acoustic echo control in hands-free telephones. Signal Processing 86(6): 1140-1156 (2006)
6EEPeter Vary: An adaptive filter-bank equalizer for speech enhancement. Signal Processing 86(6): 1206-1214 (2006)
5EEStefan Heinen, Peter Vary: Transactions Papers source-optimized channel coding for digital transmission channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(4): 592-600 (2005)
4EEUlrich Heute, Karl-Dirk Kammeyer, Peter Vary: Hans Wilhelm Schüßler celebrates his 75th birthday. Signal Processing 83(8): 1561-1563 (2003)
3EEPeter Jax, Peter Vary: On artificial bandwidth extension of telephone speech. Signal Processing 83(8): 1707-1719 (2003)
2 Peter Jax, Rainer Martin, Peter Vary, Marc Adrat, Imre Varga, Walter Frank, Marc Ihle: A Noise Suppression System for the AMR Speech Codec. KONVENS 2000: 43-46
1EEJürgen Schnitzler, Peter Vary: Trends and perspectives in wideband speech coding. Signal Processing 80(11): 2267-2281 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Marc Adrat [2]
2Gerd Ascheid [12]
3Thorsten Clevorn [8] [11]
4Gerald Enzner [7]
5Walter Frank [2]
6M. Gartner [10]
7B. Geiser [10]
8Susanne Godtmann [8] [12]
9C. Guillaume [10]
10Stefan Heinen [5]
11Ulrich Heute [4]
12Marc Ihle [2]
13Peter Jax [2] [3] [10]
14Karl-Dirk Kammeyer [4]
15Heinrich W. Löllmann [9]
16Helge Luders [12]
17Rainer Martin [2]
18S. Ragot [10]
19S. Schandl [10]
20Laurent Schmalen [11]
21Jürgen Schnitzler [1]
22Birgit Schotsch [11]
23H. Taddei [10]
24Imre Varga [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)