
Yuko Uematsu

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7EEYuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito: Interactive AR bowling system by vision-based tracking. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 236-237
6EEYuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito: Improvement of Accuracy for 2D Marker-Based Tracking Using Particle Filter. ICAT 2007: 183-189
5EEYuko Uematsu, Tomoaki Teshima, Hideo Saito, Cao Honghua: D-Calib: Calibration Software for Multiple Cameras System. ICIAP 2007: 285-290
4EEYuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito: AR baseball presentation system based on registration with multiple markers. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006: 101
3EEYuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito: AR Baseball Presentation System with Integrating Multiple Planar Markers. ICAT 2006: 163-174
2EEYuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito: Vision-Based Registration for Augmented Reality with Integration of Arbitrary Multiple Planes. ICIAP 2005: 155-162
1EEYuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito: Image-based augmentation of virtual object for handy camera video sequence using arbitrary multiple planes. ICIP (1) 2005: 1017-1020

Coauthor Index

1Cao Honghua [5]
2Hideo Saito [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Tomoaki Teshima [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)