
Yoshio Turner

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11EEKaushik Kumar Ram, Jose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, Alan L. Cox, Scott Rixner: Achieving 10 Gb/s using safe and transparent network interface virtualization. VEE 2009: 61-70
10EEJayanth Gummaraju, Joel Coburn, Yoshio Turner, Mendel Rosenblum: Streamware: programming general-purpose multicore processors using streams. ASPLOS 2008: 297-307
9EEJose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, G. John Janakiraman, Ian Pratt: Bridging the Gap between Software and Hardware Techniques for I/O Virtualization. USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2008: 29-42
8EEJose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, Jayaram Mudigonda: Taming Heterogeneous NIC Capabilities for I/O Virtualization. Workshop on I/O Virtualization 2008
7EEYoshio Turner, Yuval Tamir: Deadlock-free connection-based adaptive routing with dynamic virtual circuits. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(1): 13-32 (2007)
6EETim Brecht, G. John Janakiraman, Brian Lynn, Vikram A. Saletore, Yoshio Turner: Evaluating network processing efficiency with processor partitioning and asynchronous I/O. EuroSys 2006: 265-278
5EEG. John Janakiraman, Jose Renato Santos, Dinesh Subhraveti, Yoshio Turner: Cruz: Application-Transparent Distributed Checkpoint-Restart on Standard Operating Systems. DSN 2005: 260-269
4EEAravind Menon, Jose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, G. John Janakiraman, Willy Zwaenepoel: Diagnosing performance overheads in the xen virtual machine environment. VEE 2005: 13-23
3EEG. John Janakiraman, Jose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner: Automated System Design for Availability. DSN 2004: 411-
2EEJose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, G. John Janakiraman: End-to-End Congestion Control for InfiniBand. INFOCOM 2003
1EEMalena R. Mesarina, Yoshio Turner: Reduced energy decoding of MPEG streams. Multimedia Syst. 9(2): 202-213 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Tim Brecht [6]
2Joel Coburn [10]
3Alan L. Cox [11]
4Jayanth Gummaraju [10]
5G. John Janakiraman [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]
6Brian Lynn [6]
7Aravind Menon [4]
8Malena R. Mesarina [1]
9Jayaram Mudigonda [8]
10Ian Pratt (Ian A. Pratt) [9]
11Kaushik Kumar Ram [11]
12Scott Rixner [11]
13Mendel Rosenblum [10]
14Vikram A. Saletore [6]
15Jose Renato Santos [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [11]
16Dinesh Subhraveti [5]
17Yuval Tamir [7]
18Willy Zwaenepoel [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)