
C. S. Tung

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6 E. S. Carter II, C. S. Tung: NAMOT2 - a redesigned nucleic acid modeling tool: construction of non-canonical DNA structures. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 12(1): 25-30 (1996)
5 C. S. Tung, E. S. Carter II: Nucleic acid modeling tool (NAMOT): an interactive graphic tool for modeling nucleic acid structures. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(4): 427-433 (1994)
4 R. K. Tan, M. Prabhakaran, C. S. Tung, Stephen C. Harvey: AUGUR: a program to predict, display and analyze the tertiary structure of B-DNA. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 4(1): 147-151 (1988)
3 H. S. Bilofsky, Christian Burks, James W. Fickett, W. B. Goad, F. I. Lewitter, W. P. Rindone, C. D. Swindell, C. S. Tung: The GenBank genetic sequence databank. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 1-4 (1986)
2 C. S. Tung, Stephen C. Harvey: Computer graphics program to reveal the dependence of the gross three- dimensional structure of the B-DNA double helix on primary structure. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 381-387 (1986)
1 Christian Burks, James W. Fickett, W. B. Goad, Minoru Kanehisa, F. I. Lewitter, W. P. Rindone, C. D. Swindell, C. S. Tung, H. S. Bilofsky: The GenBank nucleic acid sequence database. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 1(4): 225-233 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1H. S. Bilofsky [1] [3]
2Christian Burks [1] [3]
3E. S. Carter II [5] [6]
4James W. Fickett [1] [3]
5W. B. Goad [1] [3]
6Stephen C. Harvey [2] [4]
7Minoru Kanehisa [1]
8F. I. Lewitter [1] [3]
9M. Prabhakaran [4]
10W. P. Rindone [1] [3]
11C. D. Swindell [1] [3]
12R. K. Tan [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)