
Hideki Tsuiki

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18EEHideki Tsuiki, Shuji Yamada: On Finite-time Computability Preserving Conversions. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 221: 299-308 (2008)
17EEHideki Tsuiki, Yasunao Hattori: Lawson topology of the space of formal balls and the hyperbolic topology. Theor. Comput. Sci. 405(1-2): 198-205 (2008)
16EEVasco Brattka, Peter Hertling, Ker-I Ko, Hideki Tsuiki: Computability and complexity in analysis. J. Complexity 22(6): 728 (2006)
15 Tanja Grubba, Peter Hertling, Hideki Tsuiki, Klaus Weihrauch: CCA 2005 - Second International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, August 25-29, 2005, Kyoto, Japan FernUniversität Hagen, Germany 2005
14EEHideki Tsuiki, Keiji Sugihara: Streams with a Bottom in Functional Languages. ESOP 2005: 201-216
13EEHideki Tsuiki: Dyadic Subbases and Representations of Topological Spaces. Spatial Representation 2005
12EEHideki Tsuiki: Real number computation with committed choice logic programming languages. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 64(1): 61-84 (2005)
11EEHideki Tsuiki: Uniform Domains and Uniform Spaces: (Abstract). Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 73: 213-215 (2004)
10EEHideki Tsuiki: Compact metric spaces as minimal-limit sets in domains of bottomed sequences. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 14(6): 853-878 (2004)
9 Hideki Tsuiki: A domain-theoretic semantics of lax generic functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 294(1/2): 307-331 (2003)
8EEHideki Tsuiki: Representations of Complete Uniform Spaces via Uniform Domains. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 66(1): (2002)
7EEHideki Tsuiki: Real number computation through Gray code embedding. Theor. Comput. Sci. 284(2): 467-485 (2002)
6EETaeko Ariga, Hideki Tsuiki: Programming for students of information design. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(4): 59-63 (2001)
5EEHideki Tsuiki: Computational Dimension of Topological Spaces. CCA 2000: 323-335
4EEHideki Tsuiki: A domain-theoretic semantics of lax generic functions. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 29: (1999)
3 Hideki Tsuiki: A Computationally Adequate Model for Overloading via Domain-Valued Functors. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 8(4): 321-349 (1998)
2 Hideki Tsuiki: On Typed Calculi with a Merge Operator. FSTTCS 1994: 101-112
1 Hideki Tsuiki: A Normalizing Calculus with Overloading and Subtyping. TACS 1994: 273-295

Coauthor Index

1Taeko Ariga [6]
2Vasco Brattka [16]
3Tanja Grubba [15]
4Yasunao Hattori [17]
5Peter Hertling [15] [16]
6Ker-I Ko [16]
7Keiji Sugihara [14]
8Klaus Weihrauch [15]
9Shuji Yamada [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)