
Alex Tsow

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6EEMarkus Jakobsson, Alex Tsow, Ankur Shah, Eli Blevis, Youn-Kyung Lim: What Instills Trust? A Qualitative Study of Phishing. Financial Cryptography 2007: 356-361
5EEPhilippe Golle, XiaoFeng Wang, Markus Jakobsson, Alex Tsow: Deterring Voluntary Trace Disclosure in Re-encryption Mix Networks. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2006: 121-131
4EEAlex Tsow: Phishing with Consumer Electronics - Malicious Home Routers. MTW 2006
3EEAlex Tsow, Markus Jakobsson, Liu Yang, Susanne Wetzel: Warkitting: The Drive-by Subversion of Wireless Home Routers. J. Digital Forensic Practice 1(3): 179-192 (2006)
2EEAlex Tsow, Steven D. Johnson: Data Refinement for Synchronous System Specification and Construction. CHARME 2005: 398-401
1EEAlex Tsow, Steven D. Johnson: Visualizing System Factorizations with Behavior Tables. FMCAD 2000: 520-537

Coauthor Index

1Eli Blevis [6]
2Philippe Golle [5]
3Markus Jakobsson [3] [5] [6]
4Steven D. Johnson [1] [2]
5Youn-Kyung Lim [6]
6Ankur Shah [6]
7XiaoFeng Wang [5]
8Susanne Wetzel [3]
9Liu Yang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)