
Bruno Traverson

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16 Yuanyuan Xu, Bruno Traverson: Procédés de réutilisation pour les lignes de produits logiciels. INFORSID 2008
15 Christophe Addinquy, Bruno Traverson: Reducing Requirements to EIS Specifications GAP Using RM-ODP Enterprise Viewpoint. ICEIS (3) 2007: 31-38
14EEBruno Traverson, Christophe Addinquy: Linking Requirements to EIS Specifications Using Correspondence Rules. ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2007: 276-285
13 Nesrine Yahiaoui, Bruno Traverson, Nicole Lévy: Evolution Management Framework for Multi-Dimensional Information Systems. ICEIS (3) 2006: 331-336
12EEAntoine Beugnard, Olivier Caron, Jean-Philippe Thibault, Bruno Traverson: Assemblage de composants par contrats. Le modèle de composants ACCORD. L'OBJET 11(4): 11-46 (2005)
11 Anne Picault, Philippe Bedu, Juliette Le Delliou, Jean Perrin, Bruno Traverson: Specifying Information System Architectures with DASIBAO - A Standard Based Method. ICEIS (3) 2004: 254-264
10EEBruno Traverson, Nesrine Yahiaoui: Connectors for CORBA Components. OOIS 2002: 458-463
9 Jean Perrin, Sébastien Pouillet, Bruno Traverson: Systèmes transactionnels répartis à base de composants. BDA 2001
8 Jérôme Daniel, Bruno Traverson, Sylvie Vignes: A QoS Meta Model to Define a Generic Environment for QoS Management. USM 2000: 334-339
7 Jérôme Daniel, Bruno Traverson, Sylvie Vignes: Integration of quality of service in distributed object systems. DAIS 1999: 31-44
6EEJérôme Daniel, Bruno Traverson, Vincent Vallée: Active COM: An Inter-Working Framework for CORBA and DCOM. DOA 1999: 211-222
5EEJian Liang, Simone Sédillot, Bruno Traverson: OMG Object Transaction Service based on an X/Open and ISO OSI TP Kernel. HICSS (1) 1997: 110-119
4EEMahmoud Zakaria, Sakari Rahkila, Bruno Traverson, Susanne Stenberg: Protocol Comparison of Distributed Object Platforms. HICSS (1) 1997: 159-
3EEJian Liang, Simone Sédillot, Bruno Traverson: Object Management Group object transaction service based on an X/Open and International Organization for Standardization open systems interconnection transaction processing kernel . Distributed Systems Engineering 4(3): 151-159 (1997)
2 Bruno Traverson: Stratégies d'optimisation et évaluation de performance du protocole de validation en deux phases. BDA 1992: 3-
1 Martine Guilmet, Philippe Thomas, Bruno Traverson: Desing, Implementation and Validation of a Multi-Peer Protocol Using Estelle. FORTE 1990: 487-502

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Addinquy [14] [15]
2Philippe Bedu [11]
3Antoine Beugnard [12]
4Olivier Caron [12]
5Jérôme Daniel [6] [7] [8]
6Juliette Le Delliou [11]
7Martine Guilmet [1]
8Nicole Lévy [13]
9Jian Liang [3] [5]
10Jean Perrin [9] [11]
11Anne Picault [11]
12Sébastien Pouillet [9]
13Sakari Rahkila [4]
14Simone Sédillot [3] [5]
15Susanne Stenberg [4]
16Jean-Philippe Thibault [12]
17Philippe Thomas [1]
18Vincent Vallée [6]
19Sylvie Vignes [7] [8]
20Yuanyuan Xu [16]
21Nesrine Yahiaoui [10] [13]
22Mahmoud Zakaria [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)