
Goran Trajkovski

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11EEGabriele Meiselwitz, Goran Trajkovski: Effects of Computer Competency on Usability and Learning Experience in Online Learning Environments. SNPD 2006: 339-342
10EETsvetozar Georgiev, Evgeniya Georgieva, Goran Trajkovski: Transitioning from e-Learning to m-Learning: Present Issues and Future Challenges. SNPD 2006: 349-353
9EEAndrea Kulakov, Danco Davcev, Goran Trajkovski: Application of Wavelet Neural-Networks in Wireless Sensor Networks. SNPD 2005: 262-267
8EEGoran Trajkovski, Julius Schlosburg, Brian Whitman, Giovanni Vincenti: Building Infrastructure for an Honors Research Robotics Lab. SNPD 2005: 352-357
7EEGoran Trajkovski, Georgi Stojanov, Giovanni Vincenti: Extending MASIVE: The Impact of Stress on Imitation-Based Learning. SNPD 2005: 360-365
6EEGiovanni Vincenti, Robert J. Hammell II, Goran Trajkovski: Data Mining for Imprecise Temporal Associations. SNPD 2005: 76-81
5 Goran Trajkovski, Georgi Stojanov, Darush Davani, Gary Williams: Investigating Learning in Biologically-Inspired Artificial Agents: The POPSICLE Experiment. MAICS 2003: 140-146
4EEGoran Trajkovski: MASIVE: A Case Study in Multiagent Systems. IDEAL 2002: 249-254
3EEGoran Trajkovski: An Imitation-Based Approach to Modeling Homogeneous Agents Societies. EPIA 2001: 246-252
2EEAndreja Tepavcevic, Goran Trajkovski: L-fuzzy lattices: an introduction. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 123(2): 209-216 (2001)
1 Goran Trajkovski, Bojan Cukic: On Two Types of LM Fuzzy Lattices. Fuzzy Days 1999: 272-281

Coauthor Index

1Bojan Cukic [1]
2Darush Davani [5]
3Danco Davcev [9]
4Tsvetozar Georgiev [10]
5Evgeniya Georgieva [10]
6Robert J. Hammell II [6]
7Andrea Kulakov [9]
8Gabriele Meiselwitz [11]
9Julius Schlosburg [8]
10Georgi Stojanov [5] [7]
11Andreja Tepavcevic [2]
12Giovanni Vincenti [6] [7] [8]
13Brian Whitman [8]
14Gary Williams [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)