
Mark A. Toleman

Mark Toleman

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18EEBarbara Roberts, Mark Toleman: One-size e-business adoption model does not fit all. JTAER 2(3): 49-61 (2007)
17EEFiona Darroch, Mark A. Toleman: ACM fellow profile: Bob Glass. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(4): 2-6 (2006)
16EEAileen Cater-Steel, Mark A. Toleman, Terry Rout: Process improvement for small firms: An evaluation of the RAPID assessment-based method. Information & Software Technology 48(5): 323-334 (2006)
15EEZoohan Gani, Mark Toleman: Success factors and barriers to telework adoption in ebusiness in Australia and Singapore: the influence of culture and organizational culture. JTAER 1(3): 81-92 (2006)
14EEAileen Cater-Steel, Mark Toleman, Terry Rout: Addressing the challenges of replications of surveys in software engineering research. ISESE 2005: 204-213
13EEMustafa A. Ally, Fiona Darroch, Mark Toleman: A Framework for Understanding the Factors Influencing Pair Programming Success. XP 2005: 82-91
12 Penny Baillie de Byl, Mark A. Toleman: Engineering Emotionally Intelligent Agents. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (II) 2005: 1052-1056
11EEMichael de Raadt, Richard Watson, Mark Toleman: Introductory Programming: What's Happening Today and Will There Be Anyone to Teach Tomorrow ? ACE 2004: 277-284
10EEMustafa A. Ally, Mark Toleman: Towards a Theoretical Framework of Determinants for the Adoption and Diffusion of Buyer Authenticated Credit Card Payment Programs: The Online Merchant's Perspective. CEC 2004: 349-352
9EEMichael de Raadt, Mark A. Toleman, Richard Watson: Training strategic problem solvers. SIGCSE Bulletin 36(2): 48-51 (2004)
8EEMichael de Raadt, Richard Watson, Mark A. Toleman: Language Tug-Of-War: Industry Demand and Academic Choice. ACE 2003: 137-142
7 Michael de Raadt, Richard Watson, Mark A. Toleman: Introductory Programming Languages at Australian Universities at the Beginning of the Twenty First Century. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 35(3): 163-167 (2003)
6EEMark A. Toleman, David A. Carrington, Phil Cook, Andrew Coyle, Anthony MacDonald, Jim Welsh, Tim Jones: Generic Description of a Software Document Environment. HICSS 2001
5EEPat Lehane, Mark Toleman, John Benecke: Applying Ecological Interface Design to Experimental Apparatus Used to Monitor a Refrigeration Plant. AUIC 2000: 41-48
4 Penny Ray, Mark A. Toleman, Dickson Lukose: Emotional Intelligence for Intuitive Agents. PRICAI 2000: 818
3EEMark A. Toleman, Jim Welsh: Systematic evaluation of design choices for software development tools. Software - Concepts and Tools 19(3): 109-121 (1998)
2 Mark A. Toleman, Jim Welsh: Can Design Choices for Language-Based Editors be Analysed with Keystroke-Level Models? BCS HCI 1996: 97-112
1 Jim Welsh, Mark A. Toleman: Conceptual Issues in Language-Based Editor Design. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 37(4): 419-430 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Mustafa A. Ally [10] [13]
2John Benecke [5]
3Penny Baillie de Byl [12]
4David A. Carrington [6]
5Aileen Cater-Steel [14] [16]
6Phil Cook [6]
7Andrew Coyle [6]
8Fiona Darroch [13] [17]
9Zoohan Gani [15]
10Tim Jones [6]
11Pat Lehane [5]
12Dickson Lukose [4]
13Anthony MacDonald [6]
14Michael de Raadt [7] [8] [9] [11]
15Penny Ray [4]
16Barbara Roberts [18]
17Terry Rout [14] [16]
18Richard Watson [7] [8] [9] [11]
19Jim Welsh [1] [2] [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)