
Robert B. Tilove

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3 Robert B. Tilove: A Null-Object Detection Algorithm for Constructive Solid Geometry. Commun. ACM 27(7): 684-694 (1984)
2EERobert B. Tilove, Aristides A. G. Requicha, Mark R. Hopkins: Efficient editing of solid models by exploiting structural and spatial locality. Computer Aided Geometric Design 1(3): 227-239 (1984)
1 Robert B. Tilove: Set Membership Classification: A Unified Approach to Geometric Intersection Problems. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(10): 874-883 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Mark R. Hopkins [2]
2Aristides A. G. Requicha [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)