
Emmanuel Thomé

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8EERichard P. Brent, Pierrick Gaudry, Emmanuel Thomé, Paul Zimmermann: Faster Multiplication in GF(2)[x]. ANTS 2008: 153-166
7EEClaus Diem, Emmanuel Thomé: Index Calculus in Class Groups of Non-hyperelliptic Curves of Genus Three. J. Cryptology 21(4): 593-611 (2008)
6EEAntoine Joux, David Naccache, Emmanuel Thomé: When e-th Roots Become Easier Than Factoring. ASIACRYPT 2007: 13-28
5EEHoward Cheng, Guillaume Hanrot, Emmanuel Thomé, Paul Zimmermann, Eugene V. Zima: Time-and space-efficient evaluation of some hypergeometric constants. ISSAC 2007: 85-91
4EEHoward Cheng, Guillaume Hanrot, Emmanuel Thomé, Eugene V. Zima, Paul Zimmermann: Time- and Space-Efficient Evaluation of Some Hypergeometric Constants CoRR abs/cs/0701151: (2007)
3EEEmmanuel Thomé: Subquadratic Computation of Vector Generating Polynomials and Improvement of the Block Wiedemann Algorithm. J. Symb. Comput. 33(5): 757-775 (2002)
2EEEmmanuel Thomé: Computation of Discrete Logarithms in F2607. ASIACRYPT 2001: 107-124
1EEEmmanuel Thomé: Fast computation of linear generators for matrix sequences and application to the block Wiedemann algorithm. ISSAC 2001: 323-331

Coauthor Index

1Richard P. Brent [8]
2Howard Cheng [4] [5]
3Claus Diem [7]
4Pierrick Gaudry [8]
5Guillaume Hanrot [4] [5]
6Antoine Joux [6]
7David Naccache [6]
8Eugene V. Zima [4] [5]
9Paul Zimmermann [4] [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)