
Pierrick Gaudry

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20EERichard P. Brent, Pierrick Gaudry, Emmanuel Thomé, Paul Zimmermann: Faster Multiplication in GF(2)[x]. ANTS 2008: 153-166
19EEAndreas Enge, Pierrick Gaudry: An L (1/3 + epsilon ) Algorithm for the Discrete Logarithm Problem for Low Degree Curves. EUROCRYPT 2007: 379-393
18EEPierrick Gaudry, Alexander Kruppa, Paul Zimmermann: A gmp-based implementation of schönhage-strassen's large integer multiplication algorithm. ISSAC 2007: 167-174
17EEAndreas Enge, Pierrick Gaudry: An L(1/3 + epsilon) Algorithm for the Discrete Logarithm Problem for Low Degree Curves CoRR abs/cs/0703032: (2007)
16EEAlin Bostan, Pierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: Linear Recurrences with Polynomial Coefficients and Application to Integer Factorization and Cartier-Manin Operator. SIAM J. Comput. 36(6): 1777-1806 (2007)
15EEPierrick Gaudry, T. Houtmann, D. Kohel, Christophe Ritzenthaler, A. Weng: The 2-Adic CM Method for Genus 2 Curves with Application to Cryptography. ASIACRYPT 2006: 114-129
14EEPierrick Gaudry, François Morain: Fast algorithms for computing the eigenvalue in the Schoof-Elkies-Atkin algorithm. ISSAC 2006: 109-115
13EEOlivier Chevassut, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Pierrick Gaudry, David Pointcheval: The Twist-AUgmented Technique for Key Exchange. Public Key Cryptography 2006: 410-426
12EEPierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost, Nicolas M. Thiéry: Evaluation Properties of Symmetric Polynomials. IJAC 16(3): 505-524 (2006)
11EEPierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: A Low-Memory Parallel Version of Matsuo, Chao, and Tsujii?s Algorithm. ANTS 2004: 208-222
10EEPierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: Construction of Secure Random Curves of Genus 2 over Prime Fields. EUROCRYPT 2004: 239-256
9EEAlin Bostan, Pierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: Linear Recurrences with Polynomial Coefficients and Computation of the Cartier-Manin Operator on Hyperelliptic Curves. International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications 2003: 40-58
8EEPierrick Gaudry: A Comparison and a Combination of SST and AGM Algorithms for Counting Points of Elliptic Curves in Characteristic 2. ASIACRYPT 2002: 311-327
7EEPierrick Gaudry, Florian Hess, Nigel P. Smart: Constructive and Destructive Facets of Weil Descent on Elliptic Curves. J. Cryptology 15(1): 19-46 (2002)
6EEPierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: On the Invariants of the Quotients of the Jacobian of a Curve of Genus 2. AAECC 2001: 373-386
5EEPierrick Gaudry, Nicolas Gürel: An Extension of Kedlaya's Point-Counting Algorithm to Superelliptic Curves. ASIACRYPT 2001: 480-494
4EEMireille Fouquet, Pierrick Gaudry, Robert Harley: Finding Secure Curves with the Satoh-FGH Algorithm and an Early-Abort Strategy. EUROCRYPT 2001: 14-29
3 Pierrick Gaudry, Robert Harley: Counting Points on Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields. ANTS 2000: 313-332
2EEPierrick Gaudry: An Algorithm for Solving the Discrete Log Problem on Hyperelliptic Curves. EUROCRYPT 2000: 19-34
1 Iwan M. Duursma, Pierrick Gaudry, François Morain: Speeding up the Discrete Log Computation on Curves with Automorphisms. ASIACRYPT 1999: 103-121

Coauthor Index

1Alin Bostan [9] [16]
2Richard P. Brent [20]
3Olivier Chevassut [13]
4Iwan M. Duursma [1]
5Andreas Enge [17] [19]
6Pierre-Alain Fouque [13]
7Mireille Fouquet [4]
8Nicolas Gürel [5]
9Robert Harley [3] [4]
10Florian Hess [7]
11T. Houtmann [15]
12D. Kohel [15]
13Alexander Kruppa [18]
14François Morain [1] [14]
15David Pointcheval [13]
16Christophe Ritzenthaler [15]
17Éric Schost [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [16]
18Nigel P. Smart [7]
19Nicolas M. Thiéry [12]
20Emmanuel Thomé [20]
21A. Weng [15]
22Paul Zimmermann [18] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)